December fib-news

The latest edition of fib-news (December 2014) is available on the website. The downloadable PDF can be found on the Journal page.

fib MC2010 available in Polish

The Polish translation of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 is now available. Polish speakers interested in buying this print edition can visit the Polish Cement Association (SPC) website or send an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. request for more information.

Call for Abstracts: Multi-Span Large Bridges 2015

Abstract submission period:  10 October-3 November 2014

This international conference is being organized by the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto (FEUP) in cooperation with IST Lisbon, the University of Minho and LNEC and will be held in Porto from 1-3 July 2015.

The conference is being co-sponsored by IABSE, fib and IABMAS.

Abstracts covering the following topics related to multi-span large bridges are welcome:  

Landmark projects; conceptual design; innovative construction methods; special foundations and geotechnical site investigations; life cycle; monitoring, maintenance & management; incidents and accidents; logistics; durability; new materials & special devices; extreme loads; rehabilitation; operational risk analysis; safety & serviceability.

For more information, please visit the conference website at

AAYE 2015

The fib secretariat and the chairman of the jury are now accepting submissions for the 2015 fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers from candidates endorsed by the fib’s national member groups. Please refer to the guidelines and entry procedure for submissions.

Structural Concrete, September 2014

The September 2014 issue of the Structural Concrete journal is now available to fib members via the Wiley Online Library. The articles featured in this edition are: ‘Building bridges using the balanced lift method’, ‘Concrete integral abutment bridges with reinforced concrete piles’, ‘Consistent practical design of concrete structures’, ‘Analytical and numerical evaluation of the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete slabs’, ‘Experimental investigations on the punching behaviour of reinforced concrete footings with structural dimensions’, ‘Modelling, verification and investigation of behaviour of circular CFST columns’, ‘Effect of welding heat on precast steel composite hollow columns’, ‘Minimum flexural reinforcement in rectangular and T-section concrete beams’, ‘Influence of time-dependent effects on the crack spacing in reinforced concrete beams’, ‘Stochastic fracture-mechanical parameters for the performance-based design of concrete structures’, ‘Towards a reliability-based post-fire assessment method for concrete slabs incorporating information from inspection’, ‘Effect of bond degradation due to corrosion – a literature survey’ and ‘Review of possible mineral materials and production techniques for a building material on the moon’.

fib members can access the articles by logging on in the ‘Members only’ section. Under the list item ‘Structural Concrete journal’, click on the ‘Wiley Online Library’ link to access the journal issues. There you will find the table of contents of the September issue and will be able to download the individual PDF files of the articles.

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