fib-news, September 2014

fib_news_3_2014_smallThe September issue of fib-news features reports on the fib PhD Symposium in Quebec City, the 3rd All-Russia (International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete in Moscow, the FRC Workshop in Montreal, the Concrete Innovation Conference (CIC2014) in Oslo and the activities of the fib’s New Zealand member group. On the front page is the call-for-entries for the AAYE, which will be sponsored by Ramboll in 2015.

The downloadable PDF is available on the Journal page.

Latest edition of fib-news

The latest edition of fib-news (September 2014) is available on the website. The downloadable PDF can be found on the Journal page.

fib Bulletin 72

Bond and anchorage of embedded reinforcement: Background to the fib Model Code for Concerete Structures 2010

Cover_image_fib_Bulletin_72fib Task Group 4.5 Bond Models undertook a major review of the rules for bond and anchorage of reinforcement in the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 as part of its preparation for the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (fib MC2010). This bulletin is the outcome of that review. Its purpose is to describe the background to the rules proposed for fib MC2010, to record the source data employed in their validation as well as the assumptions made in derivation of the new proposals. It aims both to assist specialist users to understand the rules and to record the basis of the underlying physical model for the benefit of future revision committees.

To buy fib Bulletin 72, please follow this link.

Latest bulletin available

fib Bulletin 72 - Bond and anchorage of embedded reinforcement: Background to the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 is now available for sale on the fib website. As part of the preparation for the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, task group 4.5 Bond Models undertook a major review of rules for bond and anchorage of reinforcement in the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990. This bulletin presents the outcome of that review, describes the rationale for the revisions and presents the evidence on which the revisions are based.

To order fib Bulletin 72, please follow this link.

New Impact Factor rating for Structural Concrete journal

The fib’s peer-reviewed journal - Structural Concrete - now has an impact factor of 0.857. The factor has more than doubled since the last time the fib reported an impact factor score of 0.289 in June 2013. The journal publishes papers covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service, strengthening and demolition of concrete structures, including papers on research into the behaviour of structures and the development of design methods. All papers are subjected to rigorous peer review; the current average submission-to-acceptance time is 78 days. For author guidelines and manuscript submissions, please visit:

Structural Design of Tall Buildings conference

The early bird registration fee for the Structural Design of Tall Buildings conference, to be held on Thursday 23 October 2014 at the Hilton London Tower Bridge, ends Thursday 31 July 2014.

The Concrete Centre and fibUK are partnering for a conference on the structural design of tall buildings using concrete, taking place in London on 23 October 2014. The event will feature the latest best practice on building dynamics, design, process, wind load, seismic loads as well as consideration for the design team such as lifts, cladding, services, foundations, structural systems and buildability. The conference dinner on Wednesday 22 October will provide a unique networking opportunities for delegates and speakers. 

For more information, visit the conference website.
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