16th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering in Vienna, Austria

Join us for the 16th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, which will take place from 9 to 11 September 2026 in Vienna, Austria. 

The fib PhD Symposium is a widely recognized scientific meeting which, since its first edition in 1996, has allowed PhD candidates from all over the world to share their knowledge and meet high-level experts in the field of civil engineering. The fib PhD symposia are designed for doctoral candidates who have already started their research journey but have not yet completed their theses. The main objective of this specialized platform is to offer support to young academics in advancing their research efforts and, ultimately, in successfully defending their theses. What sets the fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering apart are its distinctive features: only PhD candidates are allowed to deliver presentations. After each presentation, ample time is allocated for in-depth discussions, crucial for exploring the intricacies of the research presented. Moderators, usually professors, oversee these debates, ensuring their enrichment. In addition, these symposia provide invaluable networking opportunities, allowing participants to establish contacts with researchers from around the world working in similar fields. In addition, the registration fees for these PhD symposia are deliberately low, ensuring accessibility to a wide range of participants.

Although this conference is conceived as a privileged opportunity for PhD students to present their own research, professors and researchers, including the students' supervisors, are more than welcome to join the symposium and participate in the debates. The fib PhD Symposium addresses a large number of topics related to concrete structures with regard to innovative technological solutions, structural analysis and reliability, design and evaluation of new and existing structures, durability, sustainability, life cycle assessment and structural health monitoring.

On behalf of the fib, we look forward to welcoming you to Vienna for this promising event.

Key Dates

Abstract submission  December 31, 2025 
 Abstract notification of acceptance  February 28, 2026
 Full papers submission  April 30, 2026
 Full paper notification of acceptance       June 30, 2026
 Symposium  September 9-11, 2026

Event Properties

Event Date 09-09-2026
Event End Date 11-09-2026
string(3) "549"