IEI Industry Excellence Award

The fib National Group of India is organising the IEI Industry Excellence Award.

The IEI Industry Excellence Award has been instituted to recognize engineering industry leaders for their innovation, excellence in engineering operations and services and their capacity to sustain excellence in a competitive manner. The benchmarks created by the industries in India have included productivity, quality, safety and performance assurance, which would give India the rightful place in the global markets.

fib Symposium in Istanbul

With 472 participants from 55 countries, the fib Symposium in Istanbul was a success!

230704 fib Symposium Istanbul 1

fib Model Code (2020)

We are delighted to announce that the fib General Assembly approved the fib Model Code (2020). The editing process is now underway, and the publication is planned for the last quart of 2023.

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fib Symposium in Istanbul coupons

On the occasion of the fib Symposium in Istanbul, we are delighted to share discount codes for the fib publications!

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fib Awards 2023

We are delighted to announce the fib Awards for 2023!

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