• COM4: Concrete & concrete

    COM4: Concrete & concrete technology


The overall motivation of the fib Commission 4 (COM4) is to make theoretical and practical developments in the field of concrete and concrete technology and to present these developments in an understandable and code-type formulated manner. COM4 positions itself at the forefront of new technologies and techniques by considering both fundamental research and practical issues.

Scope and objective of technical work

The aim of COM4 is to collect and to validate information on the properties and behaviour of concrete for structural applications subjected to various types of loading and environmental conditions. The commission focuses its attention both on traditional types of concrete, in particular under unusual conditions, and on new types of concrete and cementitious composites under all types of loading and condition. The properties of the concrete types considered should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to derive behavioural models and design recommendations for practical applications.


tbdCommission Chair
Jean Michel Torrenti
Tor Arne Martius HammerDeputy Chair
Tor Arne Martius-Hammer

  • TG4.0 - Code-type Concrete Models

    The first target of TG4.0 consists in developing an updated code-type presentation of the constitutive and durability related behaviour of structural concrete for inclusion in MC2020. The basis and point of origin of the AG’s/TG’s work is formed by the existing chapter 5.1 “Concrete” in MC2010. The work of TG4.0 comprises firstly a critical review and an updating of the existing models, further the implementation of new available concrete models, taking into consideration the increase of knowledge by research within the last decade. Major criteria for models being suited are their physical and thermo-dynamical soundness and accuracy as well as practical characteristics like simplicity and operationality. Further, emphasis is placed on concise explanatory notes and well-selected references which will be given as commentary (left-hand column) to the code text.

    The second target of TG4.0 consists in preparing a background document (Bulletin) on the concrete models included in the chapter “Concretes” of MC2020. This document will give detailed background information together with the results of analyses and evaluations. Thus, the bulletin will represent a comprehensive summary of the relevant knowledge available to the members of the Task Group 4.0 at the time of its drafting. Moreover, the new bulletin will provide an essential basis for the development of future generations of code-type models related to the characteristics and the behaviour of structural concrete. Further it will offer insights into the complexity of the normative work related to code-type concrete modelling, leading to a better understanding and adequate appreciation of MC2020.

    This new Bulletin will be an update of the Bulletin 70 “Code-type models for concrete behaviour – Background of MC2010”, which has been released parallel to MC2010 in 2013.

    Harald MüllerConvener
    Harald Müller


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CH-1015 Lausanne


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e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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