Corporate members may be associate members, supporting or sponsoring members. They can be companies, contractors, consulting or design offices, libraries and national, international, industrial, research or technical organisations.
Associate members receive the following benefits: CHF 870.00 / year - an entry in the directory as associate member, thus increasing visibility,
- upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership,
- nomination of up to two persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
- IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
- online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
- online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
- 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
- one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
- online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
- online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
- up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
- online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
- reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
- possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
- access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
- access to exclusive videos,
- up-to-date news about the fib work.
Supporting members receive the following benefits: CHF 1 350.00 / year - an entry in the directory and in the web page as supporting member, thus increasing visibility,
- upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership (all documents are sent to the company),
- nomination of up to three persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
- IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
- online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
- online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
- 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
- one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
- online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
- online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
- up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
- online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
- reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
- possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
- access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
- access to exclusive videos,
- up-to-date news about the fib work.
Sponsoring members receive the following benefits: CHF 2 700.00 / year - an entry in the directory and in a prominent place on the webpage as sponsoring member, with their logo and a link to their page, thus obtaining significant visibility,
- use of the fib logo on their webpage as Sponsoring member of fib,
- a representative to the General Assembly,
- nomination of a member to a designated Commission or Task Group,
- upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership (all documents are sent to the company),
- nomination of up to five persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
- IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
- online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
- online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
- 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
- one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
- online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
- online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
- up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
- online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
- reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
- possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
- access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
- access to exclusive videos,
- up-to-date news about the fib work.