• COM8: Durability

    COM8: Durability

  • COM8: Durability

    COM8: Durability


fib Commission 8 (COM8) aims to identify concrete-related durability issues, consider and review current information available on the topic, and provide guidance on materials and methods that will assist in optimal durability design of new structures and restoration design of existing structures.

Scope and objective of technical work

Service life design forms one part of this and COM8 will develop rational procedures to obtain an optimal technical-economic performance of concrete structures in service and to ensure that sustainability, whole-life cost and associated through-life perspectives are taken into account as part of the process by which experience gained from practice is fed back to the design, execution, maintenance and rehabilitation stages. COM8 work will address the structural service life aspects of structures with rational strategies, procedures and criteria for design, assessment, maintenance and remediation.

COM8 work also includes review of methods for the determination of inspection frequencies as well as methods based on sound engineering principles that will provide optimal information for the durability assessment of marine structures.


0a942bb682c4113b8670e08f stream Commission Chair
José Campos e Matos
Manu SanthanamDeputy Chair
Manu Santhanam
Carmen AndradeCo Deputy Chair
Carmen Andrade

First name Last name Country Affiliation
Anders Ole Stubbe Solgaard Denmark Cowi A/S
Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
Aad van der Horst Netherlands -
Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
Carola K. Edvardsen Denmark Cowi AS
Alberto Meda Italy University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Norbert Randl Austria Carinthia Univ. of Applied Sciences
Zila Rinaldi Italy University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Alfred Strauss Austria BOKU University
Roberto Torrent Switzerland Quali- Ti-Mat Sagl
Koichi Kobayashi Japan Gifu University
Ainars Paeglitis Latvia -
Júlio Appleton Portugal A2P Consult
Christoph Gehlen Germany TUM School of Engineering and Design
Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
Stuart Matthews United Kingdom Matthews Consulting
David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
Rui Miguel Ferreira Finland VTT Techn. Research Centre of Finland
Michael Bartholomew United States CH2M HILL
Tamon Ueda China Shenzhen University
José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho
Harshavardhan Subbarao India Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Joan Casas Rius Spain Tech. Univ. of Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech
Frank Dehn Germany KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Jose Pacheco United States MJ2 Consulting
Fuyuan Gong China Zhejiang University
Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet Netherlands TNO - Buildings, Infrastructures and Maritime
David Gardiner Australia SMEC Australia Pty Ltd
Hans-Dieter Beushausen South Africa University of Cape Town
Stuart Curtis Australia RTR Bridge Construction Services
Warren Green United States Vinsi U.S.
Qing-feng Liu China Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Giuseppe Mancini Italy Politecnico Torino
Harald Müller Germany SMP Ingenieure im Bauwesen GmbH
Brett Pielstick United States Eisman & Russo
Muhammad Imran Rafiq United Kingdom University of Brighton
Jean Michel Torrenti France Univ Gustave Eiffel
François Toutlemonde France Université Gustave Eiffel
Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
Joost Walraven Netherlands Dutch fib Delegation
Mouna BOUMAAZA France Vinci Construction
Elisabete Teixeira Portugal -
Eduardo Julio Portugal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Ueli Angst Switzerland ETH Zurich
Kefei Li China -
Amir Rahimi Germany Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
Manu Santhanam India Department of Civil Engineering
Dan Georgescu Romania Techn. Univ. of Civil Engineering
Monica Santamaria-Ariza Portugal University of Minho

  • TG8.1 - Model technical specification for repairs and interventions

    Task Group 8.1 has prepared a Guide (to good practice) on protection, repair, and strengthening techniques for concrete structures. Given the guide's extensive scope, it has been divided into two publications: bulletin 102, which addresses protection and repair methods, and bulletin 103, which focuses on strengthening methods. The chapters aim to provide practical guidelines and illustrative case studies to support the application of the pre-normative specifications in fib Model Code 2020.

    For each protection, repair and strengthening method addressed in the Guide, readers have a description of when to adopt it, which materials and systems are required, which techniques are available, and what kind of equipment is needed. It then presents a summary of stakeholders’ roles and qualifications, design guidelines referring to most relevant codes and references, the intervention procedure, quality control measures and monitoring and maintenance activities.

    A technical report titled “Restoring Reinforcement Passivity Through Replacement of Concrete Cover” is currently under review by members of Commission 8. Upon the publication of this report, Task Group 8.1 will have fulfilled its objectives, leading to its disbandment.

    Eduardo JúlioConvener
    Eduardo Júlio

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Irina Stipanovic Oslakovic Netherlands University of Twente
    Anders Ole Stubbe Solgaard Denmark Cowi A/S
    Carola K. Edvardsen Denmark Cowi AS
    Júlio Appleton Portugal A2P Consult
    Toyoaki Miyagawa Japan -
    Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
    John Cairns United Kingdom Heriot-Watt University
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Shoji Ikeda Japan Hybrid Research Inst. Inc.
    Michael Bartholomew United States CH2M HILL
    Eduardo Cavaco Portugal Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
    José Manuel de Sena Cruz Portugal University of Minho
    Koichi Kobayashi Japan Gifu University
    João Ramoacorreia Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
    Constantinos Repapis Greece University of West Attica
    Meini Su United Kingdom University of Manchester
    Takashi Habuchi Japan Toa Corporation
    Mercedes Sánchez Moreno Spain Universidad de Córdoba
    André Monteiro Portugal National Laboratory for Civil Engineering
    Harshavardhan Subbarao India Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
    Lojze Bevc Slovenia ZAG Slovenije
    Brett Pielstick United States Eisman & Russo
    Stephanos Dritsos Greece University of Patras
    Andreas Lampropoulos United Kingdom University of Brighton
    Ainars Paeglitis Latvia -
    Etsuji Kikuta Japan Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region
    On Moseley Greece Private
    David Smith United Kingdom Atkins
    Takao Ueda Japan University of Tokushima
    Christos Giarlelis Greece Equidas Consulting Engineers
    Nicholas Kyriakides Cyprus Cyprus University of Technology
    Luís Correia Portugal University of Minho
    Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University
    Sofia Ribeiro Portugal Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, LNEC
    Theodoros Rousakis Greece Democritus University of Thrace
    Norbert Randl Austria Carinthia Univ. of Applied Sciences
    Christoph Czaderski-Forchmann Switzerland EMPA, Structural Engineering
    Mark Verbaten Netherlands ABT bv
    Jan Laco United Kingdom Atkins
    Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras
    Maurizio Guadagnini United Kingdom University of Sheffield
    Renata Kotynia Poland Lodz University of Technology
    Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia
    José Paul Costa Portugal STAP, SA
    Raquel Fernandes Paula Portugal STAP, S.A.
    António Costa Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico
    Emmanuel Ferrier France Université Lyon 1
    Eftychia Apostolidi Germany -
    Xavier Hallopeau France SECCO Corrosion Consulting
    Jakob Kunz Liechtenstein Hilti AG
    Liberato Ferrara Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Francesco Bencardino Italy University of Calabria
    Véronique Bouteiller France University Gustave Eiffel
    Alejandro Mateos Argentina National University of Northwest of Buenos Aires - UNNOBA
    Eduardo Julio Portugal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa

  • TG8.4 - Life cycle cost (LCC) - Design life and/or replacement cycle

    The work of TG8.4 comprises the preparation of a state-of-the-art report on LCC including the following:

    • A flow chart for life cycle cost analyses;
    • Examples and/or case studies concerning life cycle cost evaluations of design strategies,including narratives and consequences of the favoured strategy;
    • A risk analysis covering costs and benefits;
    • Identification of hazard scenarios (weak points);
    • Discussion on the value added by the LCC analyses including:
      • Design;
      • Inspection;
      • Testing;
      • Monitoring;
      • Birth Certificate;
      • Inspectability;
      • Interventions.
    • Reference to relevant fib documents.

    José A. Campos e MatosConvener
    José A. Campos e Matos

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Irina Stipanovic Oslakovic Netherlands University of Twente
    Anders Ole Stubbe Solgaard Denmark Cowi A/S
    Zila Rinaldi Italy University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
    Alfred Strauss Austria BOKU University
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
    José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho
    Joan Casas Rius Spain Tech. Univ. of Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech
    Hiroshi Akiyama Japan Tokyo Soil Research CO., LTD
    Stefania Arangio Italy Sapienza University of Rome
    Colin Caprani Australia Monash University
    Amr El-Dieb United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates University
    Rui Miguel Ferreira Finland VTT Techn. Research Centre of Finland
    Dan Frangopol United States Lehigh University
    Joost Gulikers Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Infrastructure
    Poul Linneberg Denmark COWI A/S
    Snezana Masovic Serbia University of Belgrade
    Drahomir Novak Czech Republic Technical University of Brno
    Nader M Okasha Saudi Arabia University of Hail, Hayil
    Xin Ruan China Tongji University
    Mohammed Safi Sweden Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
    Mauricio Sanchez-Silva Colombia Universidad de Los Andes
    M. Semih Yücemen Turkey Middle East Technical University
    Ali Akbar Nezhad Australia UNSW Australia
    Sandra Škarić Palić Croatia Infraplan

  • TG8.8 - Design approaches

    Throughout durability design there are a number of common inputs that should be handled in a consistent approach, e.g. reliability, cracking, exposure risk assessment, verification approaches.

    This Task Group will maintain approaches that are consistent across different materials and durability design approaches consistency and provide liaison with other Commissions to ensure consistency across all aspects of Model Code.

    The scope:

    • This Task Group shall investigate various aspects that have a common impact on modelling of deterioration mechanisms but the TG is not directly involved in the mechanisms or materials.
    • Many of these items are fundamental to all aspects of structural design and cannot be considered durability issues alone. However, the issues are key to durability design.

    The work in TG8.8 is currently carried out in the Working Groups below.

    Steinar HellandConvener
    Steinar Helland
    Joanitta NdawulaCo-Convener
    Joanitta Ndawula

    • WP8.8.1 - Durability planning
      During the MC2020 work it was proposed to give a complete overview of all activities related to durability planning of a project. Presentations on formal durability planning were given by Rodney Paull to TG10.1 and COM8. This resulted in current draft section 27.6 (minor comments in 35.6 and 38.1.2) in draft MC2020. An initiative has been taken to work out supporting materials to MC2020 on these matters.
      The WP will start its work in autumn 2022 and depends on the content development in MC2020.

      Rodney PaullConvener
      Rodney Paull

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Rodney Paull Australia Member Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA), Chair CIA Durability Technical Committee; ACI 201 liaison member for CIA; ACI 321 liaison member
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Stuart Matthews United Kingdom Matthews Consulting
      Frank Papworth Australia BCRC

    • WP8.8.2 - ULS verification under chloride- and carbonation-induced deterioration
      The reinforcement corrosion process is traditionally divided into two time periods: the initiation period and the propagation period. With respect to the former, generally accepted models are available in e.g. the fib Bulletin 34 and MC2010, while for the latter no generally accepted model is available. Different types of models for the propagation phase have been proposed in literature, e.g. based on empirical data or based on the resistivity of concrete, but these are not yet fully incorporated in the assessment of existing structures, and there is a lack of the consistent treatment of the associated uncertainties. Reinforcement corrosion causes a number of interacting damage modes, which have an impact on the corrosion progress itself and on the component’s structural behaviour: overall/local reduction of the rebar’s effective cross-section, expansive nature of the corrosion product causing internal stresses, concrete cracking and spalling, degradation of the bond and reduction of ductility of the reinforcement steel.
      The developments in this working group focusses both on new structures (i.e. when relating to the quantitative estimation of time-dependent behavior accounting for the propagation phase, taking avoidance measures for durability problems, assessing the need for redundancy, etc.) and on the assessment/rehabilion of existing structures (i.e. performing time-dependent ULS and SLS verification for the remaining or desired extended service life in case chloride- and carbonation-induced corrosion materialized).

      Beatrice BellettiConvener
      Beatrice Belletti

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Robby Caspeele Belgium Ghent University
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Diego Lorenzo Allaix Netherlands TNO Neitherlands
      Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
      Beatrice Belletti Italy Univ. degli Studi di Parma - Engineering and Architecture
      Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet Netherlands TNO - Buildings, Infrastructures and Maritime
      Wouter Botte Belgium Ghent University
      Joan Casas Rius Spain Tech. Univ. of Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech
      Dario Coronelli Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Gerrie Dieteren Netherlands TNO
      Joost Gulikers Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Infrastructure
      Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
      Stuart Matthews United Kingdom Matthews Consulting
      Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
      Miguel Prieto Sweden RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
      Raphael Steenbergen Netherlands TNO Structures and Safety
      Miroslav Sykora Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague, Klokner Institute
      Peter Tanner Spain Cesma Ingenieros, SL
      Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
      José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho
      Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
      David Izquierdo Lopez Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
      Simone Ravasini Italy University of Parma

    • WP8.8.3 - Exposure Zones
      The original aim of fib TG WP was to critically review existing global standards and recommendations for exposure categories for concrete structures, highlight shortcomings in the existing approaches and, where required, propose updated exposure categories for inclusion in MC2020. This has been completed in 2021.
      The WP has developed an updated table of exposure classes for inclusion in MC2020. A supporting paper was published in Structural Concrete in March 2021. WP3 intends to expand the supporting paper into a Bulletin.

      Joanitta NdawulaConvener
      Joanitta Ndawula

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Joanitta Ndawula South Africa University of Cape Town
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Ueli Angst Switzerland ETH Zurich
      Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga France Universite de Nantes
      Hans-Dieter Beushausen South Africa University of Cape Town
      Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
      Sylvia Kessler Germany Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
      Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
      Beatriz Martin-Perez Canada -
      Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
      Manu Santhanam India Department of Civil Engineering
      Miroslav Sykora Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague, Klokner Institute
      Alice Titus South Africa Bakera University of Cape Town

    • WP8.8.4 - Durability of Eco-efficient concretes

      Stefanie Von Greve-DierfeldConvener
      Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld
      Frank DehnCo-Convener
      Frank Dehn
      Bruno HuetCo-Convener
      Bruno Huet

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Magdalena Janota United Kingdom -
      Ueli Angst Switzerland ETH Zurich
      Mouna BOUMAAZA France Vinci Construction
      Nuno Ferreira United Kingdom Arup
      Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
      Takeshi IYODA Japan Department of Civil Engineering
      Siham Kamali-Bernard France Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA-Rennes)
      Sylvia Kessler Germany Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
      Qing-feng Liu China Shanghai Jiao Tong University
      José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho
      Manu Santhanam India Department of Civil Engineering
      Elisabete Teixeira Portugal -
      Neven Ukrainczyk Germany Technical University of Darmstadt
      Junjie Wang China -
      Carola K. Edvardsen Denmark Cowi AS
      Fabrizio Moro Switzerland -
      Nele De Belie Belgium -
      Tim Van Mullem Belgium Ghent University
      Elke Gruyaert Belgium KU Leuven
      Jeanette Visser Netherlands Strukton Engineering
      Mette Geiker Norway NTNU - Trondheim Norwegian Univ.
      Eduardo Julio Portugal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa
      Joachim Juhart Austria Graz University of Technology
      Fragkoulis Kanavaris United Kingdom Arup
      Jose Alexandre Bogas Portugal Universidade de Lisboa
      Will Gates Australia Deakin University
      Christian Paglia Switzerland -
      Hanne Vanoutrive Belgium Faculty of Engineering Technology
      Frank Dehn Germany KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
      Bruno Huet France -
      B. J. Wigum Iceland Mannvit Reykjavik
      António Costa Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico
      Dan Georgescu Romania Techn. Univ. of Civil Engineering
      Rafaela Eckhardt Brazil -

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Philipp Bamforth United Kingdom Construction Consultancy
    Jonathan Mai-Nhu France CERIB
    Raymond Ian Gilbert Australia School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Konstantin Kovler Israel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
    Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
    Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
    François Toutlemonde France Université Gustave Eiffel
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
    Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
    Michael Bartholomew United States CH2M HILL
    Hans-Dieter Beushausen South Africa University of Cape Town
    Stuart Curtis Australia RTR Bridge Construction Services
    Jean Michel Torrenti France Univ Gustave Eiffel
    Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet Netherlands TNO - Buildings, Infrastructures and Maritime
    Simon Fjendbo Denmark DTI - Danish Technological Institute
    Joanitta Ndawula South Africa University of Cape Town
    Stuart Matthews United Kingdom Matthews Consulting
    Rodney Paull Australia Member Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA), Chair CIA Durability Technical Committee; ACI 201 liaison member for CIA; ACI 321 liaison member
    Dan Georgescu Romania Techn. Univ. of Civil Engineering

  • TG8.9 - Deterioration Mechanisms Related to Corrosion

    TG8.9 will investigate models for the following deterioration processes: Rebar Corrosion Initiation; Rebar Corrosion Propagation; Abrasion, Erosion and Cavitation; Freeze Thaw Attack; Leaching; Water and Water Vapour Migration and Chemical Attack.

    In MC2010 and Bulletin 34, some of these mechanisms have only loosely defined models and some have no models. MC2010 also has limited advice for exposure classes, performance tests, deemed to satisfy requirements and avoidance approaches.

    The scope:

    • This Task Group shall investigate prediction tools (models)
    • Derive revised design rules, which ensure sufficient durability close to broadly accepted reliability levels of limit states identified in TG8.8 and to be considered in TG8.9 and TG3.4
    • The TG will provide specific input into MC2020 but is expected to continue as a COM8 TG to continuously develop the solutions for the issues listed.

    The work in TG8.9 is currently carried out in the following Working Groups:

    • TG8.9 WG2 - Corrosion Propagation – Convener: Carmen Andrade
    • TG8.9 WG3 - Chloride threshold – Conveners: Frank Papworth, Federica Lollini
    • TG8.9 WG4 - Durability of steel Fiber reinforced Concrete (SFRC) – Convener: David Gardiner

    Carmen AndradeConvener
    Carmen Andrade

    • WP8.9.1 - Deterioration Mechanisms – Initiation of Corrosion
      The fib models for service life design regarding carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement were first published in fib Model Code for Service Life Design (MC SLD) in 2006. These fully probabilistic durability design concepts have been in use for more than two decades. The models and corresponding durability design concepts have been adopted in MC 2020 almost unchanged, but with more explanation of the model parameters and including approaches for their determination, e.g. apparent chloride diffusion coefficient.
      The WP is open to work on different topics related to the modelling of the carbonation and chloride-induced depassivation of reinforcement.
      The current focus of the WP's work is on the chloride model, with a particular emphasis on the aging exponent, which is identified as the most dominant parameter.

      Amir RahimiConvener
      Amir Rahimi
      Juan Lozano VarcarcelCo-convener
      Juan Lozano Varcarcel

      First name Last name Country Affiliation
      Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
      Federica Lollini Italy Politecnico di Milano
      Rui Miguel Ferreira Finland VTT Techn. Research Centre of Finland
      Amir Rahimi Germany Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
      David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
      Juan Mauricio Lozano Valcarcel Germany Technical University of Munich
      Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
      Matteo Gastaldi Italy Politecnico of Milano
      Joost Gulikers Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Infrastructure
      Fabrizio Moro Switzerland -
      Michael Raupach Germany RWTH Aachen University
      Sylvia Kessler Germany Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
      Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
      Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
      Roberto Torrent Switzerland Quali- Ti-Mat Sagl
      Bruno Huet France -
      Qing-feng Liu China Shanghai Jiao Tong University
      Tamon Ueda China Shenzhen University
      Mike Otieno South Africa Wits
      Edoardo Proverbio Italy University of Messina, Italy
      Joan Casas Rius Spain Tech. Univ. of Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech
      Muhammad Imran Rafiq United Kingdom University of Brighton
      Onur Çevik Turkey -
      José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho
      Inam Khan Australia BCRC
      Forood Torabian Isfahani Italy Lombardi Group
      Lars-Olof Nilsson Sweden -
      Malene Thostrup Pedersen Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Michael Bartholomew United States CH2M HILL
    Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Akio Kasuga Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd
    Ueli Angst Switzerland ETH Zurich
    Joost Gulikers Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Infrastructure
    Philipp Bamforth United Kingdom Construction Consultancy
    Muhammed Basheer United Kingdom University of Leeds
    Edgar Bohner Finland VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
    Gabriella Bolzon Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Véronique Bouteiller France University Gustave Eiffel
    Dario Coronelli Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Carola K. Edvardsen Denmark Cowi AS
    Rui Miguel Ferreira Finland VTT Techn. Research Centre of Finland
    Nuno Ferreira United Kingdom Arup
    Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
    Xavier Hallopeau France SECCO Corrosion Consulting
    Steinar Helland Norway S Helland Konsult
    Bruno Huet France -
    Fritz Hunkeler Switzerland TFB AG
    David Izquierdo Lopez Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    Siham Kamali-Bernard France Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA-Rennes)
    Sylvia Kessler Germany Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
    Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
    Qing-feng Liu China Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Federica Lollini Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Koichi Maekawa Japan Yokohama National University
    Jonathan Mai-Nhu France CERIB
    Elisabeth Marie-victoire France Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques
    Fabrizio Moro Switzerland -
    Simon Fjendbo Denmark DTI - Danish Technological Institute
    Maria Nilsson Sweden Luleå Universitetsbibliotek
    Mike Otieno South Africa Wits
    Jose Pacheco United States MJ2 Consulting
    Frank Papworth Australia BCRC
    Miguel Prieto Sweden RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
    Miguel Pedrosa Ferreira Portugal -
    Muhammad Imran Rafiq United Kingdom University of Brighton
    Amir Rahimi Germany Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
    Michael Raupach Germany RWTH Aachen University
    Manu Santhanam India Department of Civil Engineering
    Roberto Torrent Switzerland Quali- Ti-Mat Sagl
    Jean Michel Torrenti France Univ Gustave Eiffel
    François Toutlemonde France Université Gustave Eiffel
    Jairo Andrade Brazil Graduate Program in Materials and Engenheering Technology
    Filipe Pedrosa Netherlands TNO
    Onur Çevik Turkey -
    Juan Mauricio Lozano Valcarcel Germany Technical University of Munich

  • TG8.11 - Testing and Monitoring

    Durability design of concrete structures may incorporate a number of performance-based requirements depending on the deterioration mechanisms and exposure conditions to consider. While exposure definitions and performance-based requirements are dealt with in other fib TG’s, well documented test procedures for relevant materials properties are needed for support of the durability design and subsequent quality assurance. This includes well-founded probabilistic definitions for those properties.

    The objective of Task Group 8.11 is to provide guidance on test methods and corresponding acceptance criteria and testing frequencies concerning quality assurance of concrete production. Furthermore, the objective is to link performance-requirements of concrete as yielded from durability design with the execution. For the latter, all stages of concrete production, i.e. pre-testing in the laboratory, trial testing in laboratory and on-site, and testing of running production are considered.

    The work in TG8.11 is currently carried out in the following Working Groups:

    • TG8.11 WG1 - Testing New Concrete – Convener: Franziska Schmidt
    • TG8.11 WG2 - Monitoring of Concrete – Convener: Joan Casas Rius

    Franziska SchmidtConvener
    Franziska Schmidt

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Anders Ole Stubbe Solgaard Denmark Cowi A/S
    Carola K. Edvardsen Denmark Cowi AS
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Doug Hooton Canada University of Toronto
    Ueli Angst Switzerland ETH Zurich
    Hans-Dieter Beushausen South Africa University of Cape Town
    Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet Netherlands TNO - Buildings, Infrastructures and Maritime
    Joan Casas Rius Spain Tech. Univ. of Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech
    Eleni Chatzi Switzerland ETH Zurich
    Frank Dehn Germany KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Frédéric Duprat France INSA Toulouse
    Stefanie Von Greve-Dierfeld Switzerland TFB Technology and Research for Concrete Structures
    Sylvia Kessler Germany Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
    Ahmad Khartabil United Arab Emirates Transgulf Readymix Concrete Co.
    Lionel Linger France Vinci Construction Grand Projets
    Federica Lollini Italy Politecnico di Milano
    Fabrizio Moro Switzerland -
    Muhammad Imran Rafiq United Kingdom University of Brighton
    Amir Rahimi Germany Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
    Javier Sanchez Spain Spanish National Research Council
    Sarah Schmiedel Germany Universität (Campus Süd) Institut für Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie
    Frank Spörel Germany BAW
    Alfred Strauss Austria BOKU University
    Roberto Torrent Switzerland Quali- Ti-Mat Sagl
    Michael Vogel Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - Universität (Campus Süd)
    Johannes Wimmer Germany Uni Munschen
    Peng Zhang China Qingdao University of Technology
    Franziska Schmidt France IFSTTAR
    Yuguang Yang Netherlands Technische Universiteit Delft
    Carmen Andrade Spain Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en l’Ènginyeria (CIMNE)
    Ronur Krishnappa Jaigopal India -

  • TG8.12 - Deterioration mechanisms related to other phenomena

    Task Group 8.12 has a focus of addressing all durability phenomena other than corrosion due to chlorides and carbonation. The phenomena include Freeze Thaw, Chemical Attack, Abrasion/Erosion/Cavitation, and Internal Attacks (ASR / DEF).

    The work in TG8.12 is currently carried out in the following Working Groups:

    • TG8.12 WG1 - Freeze-Thaw – Convener: Suraneni
    • TG8.12 WG2 - Abrasion/erosion and cavitation – Convener: Thomas Vogel
    • TG8.12 WG3 - Chemical and biogenic attack, and leaching – Convener: Bertron
    • TG8.12 WG4 - Internal Attacks (ASR/DEF) – Convener: Leandro Sánchez

    Leandro SánchezConvener
    Leandro Sánchez

    First name Last name Country Affiliation
    Manu Santhanam India Department of Civil Engineering
    David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib
    Leandro Moretti Sanchez Canada -


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