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CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (PDF)

N°213/214. 1993. CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (Final version published by Thomas Telford Ltd., London)
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CEB Bulletin No. 213/214

Title: CEB-FIP Model Code 90
No.: 213/214
Year: 1993
Pages: 460
ISBN: 978-0-7277-1696-5
Abstract: This design code for concrete structures is the result of a complete revision to the former Model Code 1978, which was produced jointly by CEB and FIP. The 1978 Model Code has had a considerable impact on the national design codes in many countries. In particular, it has been used extensively for the harmonisation of national design codes and as basic reference for Eurocode 2. The 1990 Model Code provides comprehensive guidance to the scientific and technical developments that have occurred over the past decade in the safety, analysis and design of concrete structures. It has already influenced the codification work that is being carried out both nationally and internationally and will continue so to do.

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