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Condition control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation/chlorides) (PDF)

No. 59. Condition control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation/chlorides). State-of-art report (80 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-099-4, May 2011) - PDF format
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fib Bulletin No. 59

Title: Condition control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation/chlorides).

Category: State-of-art report

Year: 2011

Pages: 80

Format approx. DIN A4 (210x297 mm)

ISBN: 978-2-88394-099-4

DOI: doi.org/10.35789/fib.BULL.0059


For the ongoing condition assessment of concrete structures, it is necessary to identify the extent, nature, cause and prognosis of any deterioration using a range of tools and methods, including prediction models. Combined with the original design and construction details, this gives a vast amount of information over a long time period. A framework concept is therefore needed to process the entirety of the information in order to make sound investment decisions on future maintenance management.

To provide such a framework, fib Bulletin 59 summarizes information published in fib Bulletins 17, 22, 34 and 44 relevant to the control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures, and develops a practical concept of how, when and where to control the condition of an existing concrete structure in order to facilitate structural management. Thus it gives a basis for processing relevant information in order to make decisions on the appropriate course of action for condition control.

Download the copyright page (= list of authors) as a PDF file.

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