• fib Bulletins
  • fib Bulletins
  • fib President Iria Lícia Oliva Doniak

    fib President Íria Lícia Oliva Doniak

    fib President 2025-2026


  • fib Model Code for Concrete Structures (2020)


  • The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    The International Federation for Structural Concrete

    A Bridge between Research and Practice

    The knowledge developped and shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses, etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib members.


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Guide for Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures (PDF)

No. 102. Guide for Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures. Guide for good practice (291 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-156-4, March 2022)
Price CHF 140.00
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Title:Guide for Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures

Guide for good practice

Year: 2022

Pages: 291

Format approx. DIN A4 (210x297 mm)

ISBN: 978-2-88394-156-4


The idea of preparing a technical document for the repairs and interventions upon concrete structures goes back to the former fib  COM5: Structural Service Life Aspects, being the goal of the then TG5.9. After a long period of reduced activity, and taking into account the reorganization of fib  commissions that meanwhile took place, on June 2017 a different approach was proposed to push forward the task of TG8.1 (formerly TG5.9).

The (new) goal of TG 8.1 was to deliver a ‘how-to-do’ guide, gathering together protection, repair, and strengthening techniques for concrete structures. Chapters are intended to provide both guidelines and case-studies, serving as support to the application of fib  MC2020 pre-normative specifications.

Each chapter was written by an editorial team comprising desirably at least a researcher, a designer and a contractor. Templates have been prepared in order to harmonize the contents and the presentation of the different methods. Following the writing process, chapters were reviewed by experts and, after amendments by the authors, they underwent a second review process by COM8 and TG3.4 members, as well as by different practitioners.

For each protection, repair and strengthening method addressed in this guide, readers have a description of when to adopt it, which materials and systems are required, which techniques are available, and what kind of equipment is needed. It then presents a summary of stakeholders’ roles and qualifications, design guidelines referring to most relevant codes and references, the intervention procedure, quality control measures and monitoring and maintenance activities. Due to the extent of the guide, it was decided to publish it as bulletin 102, addressing protection and repair methods, and bulletin 103, addressing strengthening methods.

We would like to thank the authors, reviewers and members of COM8 and TG3.4 for their work in developing this fib  Bulletin, which we hope will be useful for professionals working in the field of existing concrete structures, especially those concerned with life-cycle management and conservation activities.

As noted above, this Bulletin is also intended to act as a background and supporting document to the next edition of the fib  Model Code for Concrete Structures, which is currently under development under the auspices of TG10.1 with the working title of "fib Model Code 2020".

Download the copyright page (= list of authors) as a PDF file. 

Download the table of contents as a PDF file.


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