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Serviceability models (PDF)

No. 235. 1997. Serviceability models - Behaviour and Modelling in Serviceability Limit States including repeated and sustainedloads - Progress Report.
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CEB Bulletin No. 235

Title: Serviceability Models - Behaviour and Modelling in Serviceability Limit States including repeated and sustained loads - Progress Report
No.: 235
Year: 1997
Pages: 280
ISBN: 978-2-88394-034-5
Abstract: Repeated and sustained loads may produce a significant increase of crack widths and deflections due to an increase of concrete deformations, a decrease of tension stiffening and an increase in slip along the reinforcing bars, resulting in a drop of the neutral axis and, consequently, an increase of steel stress in the cracks, and curvature. In particular, the long term contribution to the overall deflection of reinforced and prestressed concrete members commonly exceeds the short term contribution so the accuracy of the overall prediction is dominantly influenced by the accuracy of the long term prediction. Much research has been done in this field over many years but, as yet, no definitive summary of the findings has appeared. This Bulletin brings together recent work from researchers from throughout Europe and provides an authoritative review and probably the most comprehensive survey currently available of the prediction of serviceability performance under long term and repeated loading.

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