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Structural connections for precast concrete buildings (PDF)

N° 43. Structural connections for precast concrete buildings.
Guide to good practice (370 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-083-3, February 2008) - PDF format
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fib Bulletin No. 43

Title: Structural connections for precast concrete buildings (PDF)

Category: Guide to good practice

Year: 2008

Pages: 370

Format approx. DIN A4 (210x297 mm)

ISBN: 978-2-88394-083-3

DOI: doi.org/10.35789/fib.BULL.0043


Connections are among the most essential parts in precast structures. Their performance relates to the structural limit states, as well as to manufacture of the precast elements and erection and maintenance of the structure itself. Proper design of connections is one major key to a successful prefabrication.

The principal aim of fib Bulletin 43 is to encourage good practice in the design of structural connections in precast concrete structures. This is achieved through a good understanding of structural connections as parts of the overall structural system and of basic force transferring mechanisms.

The bulletin consists of two parts; the first part concerns general considerations and philosophy in the design of structural connections, and the second part deals with basic force transferring mechanisms within structural connections. The main focus is on the design of structural connections with regard to their structural function in ordinary design situations in the serviceability and ultimate limit states, and in accidental/abnormal design situations, like fire, lack of fit and impact/accidental loads. Other aspects considered include production, handling and site erection of elements, building physics, durability and maintenance.

Bulletin 43 applies to structural connections for precast concrete buildings, although the information on basic force transfer mechanisms can also be applicable to other types of prefabricated structures.

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