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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 10, no. 2, June 2009

Structural Concrete, Vol. 5, no. 1, March 2004

Effects of fly ash on chloride migration in concrete and calculation of cover depth required against the corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement

N. Shafiq, Department of Civil Engineering, University Technology Petronas, Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia

This study investigated the effects of fly ash on chloride migration in concrete and calculation of cover depth in order to protect the embedded steel reinforcement against the occurrence of severe corrosion. A rapid chloride migration test was conducted for determination of the coefficient of chloride diffusion. The resulting coefficient of chloride diffusion was used for calculation of minimum cover depth required for a specified service life of concrete structure. Concrete made of 40 and 50% fly ash as partial replacement of cement resulted in a lower coefficient of chloride diffusion and hence a cover depth of 75 mm or less was calculated for a specified service life of 120 years. On the other hand a higher value of the coefficient of chloride diffusion was determined for 100% ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, therefore a thick concrete cover such as 150 mm was calculated for a similar life span. 

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