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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 3, no. 3, September 2002

Structural Concrete, Vol. 5, no. 2, June 2004

The infuence of the parameter φ/ρeff on crack widths

A.W. Beeby, The University of Leeds, UK

Many formulae for the prediction and control of crack widths in reinforced concrete members assume that the transfer length over which force is transferred by bond from the reinforcement to the concrete on either side of a crack is proportional to the parameter φ/ρeff, where φ is the bar diameter and ρeff is an effective reinforcement ratio. This paper aims to examine the validity of this assumption by comparing the predictions of the theory which leads to the derivation of the parameter φ/ρeff to data from experimental programmes where crack widths were measured. These comparisons strongly suggest that φ/ρeff has minimal influence on crack widths. 

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