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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 9, no. 1, March 2008

Structural Concrete, Vol. 8, no. 1, March 2007

Design model for socket base connections adjusted from experimental results

R.M. Fernandes Canha, University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil
A.L. H. de Cresce El Debs, University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil
M.K. El Debs, University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil 

This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures, with the emphasis on pedestal walls. The experimental programme included five specimens subjected to loads with large eccentricities, changing the type of the interface in contact with cast-in-place concrete and the load eccentricities. Three specimens had smooth interfaces and two specimens had rough interfaces. The experimental results indicated the need to revalue the principal design models for this connection. In the case of smooth walls, the friction portion that contributes to the socket connection strength was verified and a design model was proposed and adjusted to the experimental results. Based on the present experimental results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (a) the Leonhardt and Mönnig behaviour model is suitable to represent connections with smooth interfaces; (b) the proposed design model for smooth interfaces provides the closest predictions of the experimental results; (c) the Leonhardt and Mönnig behaviour model is not suitable for rough interfaces; and (d) for rough interfaces, the vertical reinforcement can be designed by bending theory. 

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