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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 7, no. 4, December 2006

Structural Concrete, Vol. 8, no. 1, December 2007

Concrete members with plate reinforcement: mechanical bond analysis

T. Ulaga, Walt + Galmarini AG, Zurich, Switzerland
T. Vogel, Institute of Structural Engineering (IBK), ETH Zurich, Switzerland

The bond stresses between a concrete body and plate reinforcement are often modelled with a bilinear bond stress - slip relationship. The mechanisms that govern this approach can be investigated on a micro-mechanical level in order to obtain a scientific model basis. As long as the load level is 'low' the theory of elasticity can be used. When the load level is 'high' a crack plane in the concrete body separates the constituents. Owing to aggregate interlock mechanisms, bond stresses still exist. This process can be investigated with the model of the inclined crack opening (MICO). The combination of the cases 'bond at low load' and 'bond at high load' provides a stress - slip diagram which is very similar to the bilinear bond model. The MICO also has the potential to be used for the analysis of shear failure modes in concrete structures. The punching of a flat slab can be considered in order to show the possibilities. 

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