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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 9, no. 3, September 2008

Structural Concrete, Vol. 10, no. 1, March 2009

Offshore concrete platforms for the Sakhalin II development

S. Hetland, Aker Solutions, Lysaker, Norway

Sakhalin II is an integrated oil and gas development in the Russian Far East. It involves the installation of a large offshore platform at the Piltun sector of the Piltun-Astoskhskoye field (PA-B) and a single large platform at the Lunskoye gas field (LUN-A). These platforms, together with the existing Molikpaq drilling and production platform, are equipped to export their output by pipeline to Sakhalin. From here it is transported by way of an onshore link of 800 km to Prigorodnoye, Aniva Bay at the south of the island, which is the location for a major liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility and terminal, and oil handling terminal. The two fields contain an estimated 1.2 billion barrels (190 000 000 m3) of crude oil and 500 billion m3 of natural gas. Output is scheduled at up to 9.6 million of LNG per year and about 180 000 barrels per day (29 000 m3/day) of oil. The project partners are Gazprom (50% plus one share), Shell (27.5%), Mitsui (12.5%) and Mitsubishi (10%). The GBS contracts were issued on 1 July 2003 and both platforms were installed during the summer of 2005. 

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