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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 7, no. 4, December 2006

Structural Concrete, Vol. 11, no. 2, June 2010

Flexure-controlled ultimate deformations of members with continuous or lap-spliced bars

D. Biskinis, University of Patras, Greece 
M.N. Fardis, University of Patras, Greece 

A databank of cyclic or monotonic tests to flexure-controlled failure is used to develop/calibrate models for the curvature and the chord rotation of reinforced concrete members at flexure-controlled ultimate conditions - at a 20% post-ultimate strength drop in lateral force resistance - under monotonic or cyclic loading. Models are developed for beams, rectangular columns or walls and members of T-, H-, U- or hollow rectangular section, with or without detailing for earthquake resistance and with continuous longitudinal bars. The models employ simple, explicit expressions for practical application without moment-curvature analysis and are on the safe side for biaxial loading. They are extended to members with longitudinal bars lap-spliced in the plastic hinge region. 

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