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Melbourne Earlybird registration – Last chance!

Last chance to enjoy early bird registration! The early bird registration is available until 7 July 2018. Don't miss it!

The fib Congress 2018 technical program is coming together with some of the most innovative and topical papers ever presented at a concrete conference. Here is an insight into what you will see in Melbourne in October 2018.

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Keynote Presenters:
World leader in tall building design, Dr Andy Davids will lead the conference with a presentation titled "The Art and Science of Designing and Building the Tallest Buildings in the World".
Professor Mike Thomas from Canada will focus his keynote presentation on "Alkali Silica Reaction - 80 Years On" exploring the notion that after 8 decades of research on alkali-silica reactions (ASR) there are still many questions that need to be addressed.
Leading durability expert Professor Frank Dehn from Germany will look at "New Insights into the Durability Properties of Geopolymer Concretes".
Professor Koichi Maekawa's keynote topic "Hygro-Mechanics Based Design and Performance Assessment of Structural Concrete" will include reports on the current status of computational assimilation of inspection/monitoring data of structures and multi-scale modellings.
The United Kingdom's Professor Campbell Middleton will aim to stimulate and encourage researchers and practitioners to harness new and evolving technologies to deliver solutions under his topic “In quest of the holy grails of construction”.

Technical Sessions and Papers:
You can expect a Special Session on Sustainability, led by world leading expert, Professor Koji Sakai from Japan, containing many innovative papers from around the globe.

Learn about the work being done on the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020 which will be presented by Dr Stuart Matthews from the UK, outlining how it will deal with both the design of new structures from all the activities associated with the through-life management and care of existing concrete structures.
Hear about the "Office of the Future" by Dr Musa Alawneh - a 3D printed concrete building in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, by the Design Manager for the project, "Office of the Future".
Discover innovative ideas in the fields of prefabricated modular concrete construction, bridge design, ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete, ship impact structures and much more!

Register now!

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