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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 4, no. 3, September 2003

fib Honorary Membership 2018

The fib is delighted to announce that Prof Ulf Nürnberger and Prof Stephen Foster have been awarded the 2018 fib Honorary Membership.

Prof Nürnberger is a long-time member of the FIP and the fib. He is an active member of the FIP/fib: Commission 5 “Reinforcements“, Task Groups TG5.2 “Reinforcing Steels and Systems“ and TG5.4 “Recommendations for Ground Anchor Systems“. He was an active member of the former fib Commission 9 “Reinforcing and Prestressing Materials and Systems“ and several of its Task Groups: TG9.1 “Factory Applied Corrosion Protection Systems for Prestressing Materials“, TG9.5 “Durability of Prestressing Materials“, TG9.7 “Reinforcing steels and Systems“, and TG9.12 “Ground anchors systems“.

He is one of the authors of fib Bulletins 49 and 64.

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Congratulations to Prof Nürnberger on being awarded the fib Honorary Membership!

Prof Foster is a member of the fib Presidium and Head of the fib Australian National Delegation. Stephen is one of the key organisers of the 5th fib International Congress in Melbourne. He has been a member of the fib journal Structural Concrete Editorial Board since 2017 and Deputy Chair of the fib Technical Council since 2015. He was the former fib Commission 4 “Modelling of Structural Behaviour and design” Chairman. He is a member of numerous fib working groups, including COM2 “Analysis & Design”, COM9 “Dissemination of knowledge”, COM10 “Model Codes”, TG2.2 “Ultimate limit state models”, WP2.2.1corr “Shear in beams”, WP2.2.2 “Shear in members with steel fibres”, TG2.4 “Computer-based modelling and design”, WP2.4.1 “Nonlinear dynamic analysis for seismic evaluation of RC frames”, and TG10.1 “Model Code 2020”.

He co-authored fib Bulletins 45, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 79, 85 and the Model Code 2010.

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Congratulations to Prof Foster on being awarded the fib Honorary Membership!


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