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fib Bulletin 87 – Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures 2018

The fib is delighted to announce that the special publication on the Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures is now available in the fib online store!

fib bulletin 87 cover

Since its inauguration in 1990 by the FIP, the Award for Outstanding Concrete Structures (AOS) has gained worldwide recognition as a prestigious award for structural engineers and designers responsible for the design and construction of buildings and civil engineering structures, respectively, which constitute the two categories of the competition. The Award is bestowed every 4 years on the basis of project submissions, which are evaluated by a jury of experts.

After the long and careful deliberations that followed the stepwise process mentioned above, the Jury selected unanimously a total of three structures as Award Winners, four structures as Special Mention recipients and one structure for an Exceptional Recognition. All nominees, Award Winners, Special Mentions and the Exceptional Recognition are presented in this brochure.

The next AOS will be awarded during the 6th fib International Congress, which will be held from 5 to 9 June 2022 in Oslo, Norway. The call for entries will be published mid-2021.

The hard copy and the electronic copy are both available on the fib website.

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