fib PhD Symposium in Budapest
Join us for the fib PhD Symposium in Budapest, Hungary (28-30 August 2024)!
While this conference is designed as a prime opportunity for PhD students to present their own research, professors and researchers are more than welcome to attend to participate and enrich the conversations.
The fib PhD symposia are tailored for PhD candidates who have already embarked on their research journey but have yet to finalize their theses. The primary objective of this specialized platform is to offer support to budding scholars in advancing their research efforts and ultimately successfully defending their theses. What sets the fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering apart are its distinctive features: only PhD candidates are allowed to deliver presentations. Following each presentation, ample time is allocated for in-depth discussions, crucial for exploring the intricacies of the research presented. Chairpersons, usually professors, oversee these discussions, ensuring they are enriching. Furthermore, these symposia provide invaluable networking opportunities, enabling participants to connect with researchers from around the globe working in similar fields. Additionally, the registration fees for these PhD symposia are deliberately kept low, ensuring accessibility to a wide range of participants.
Non-PhD students (professors, colleagues, other students, etc.) are enthusiastically encouraged to register to participate in the discussions.