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  • New Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus (JCGC) for Sustainable Development of the Built Environment

The fibUK will be holding its annual conference

The UK group of the International Federation for Structural Concrete aims to investigate smarter uses of concrete from three perspectives:

(1) researchers setting out on a journey of discovery of improved concrete applications, (2) international fib commissions turning the state of the art research into industry-ready guidance, and (3) practitioners bringing innovation and best practice to their projects to achieve award-winning results.

At this occasion, several fib members will be speaking.

Akio Kasuga will present the recently published Bulletin 77 – “Corrugated-steel-web bridges” –, which offers a complete overview of the state of the art, including historical and technological background and many examples of these very special bridges.

Tor Ole Olsen will discuss floating structures, demonstrating the advantages they have over fixed structure in many cases and the way we can benefit from concrete marine structures.The future bulletin will provide guidance as to some aspects of design and construction that are specific to floating structures.

Hugo Corres Peiretti will introduce Task Group 6.5’s (precast concrete bridges) future bulletin, discussing conceptual design, continuity details of precast decks and the lateral instability of precast beams.

In the afternoon, Hugo Corres Pereitti will be reviewing high speed rail viaducts (examining conceptual design, detailed design and construction of different types of high speed rail viaducts), while Akio Kasuga will be discussing potential alternatives to non-metallic concrete bridges (i.e. fibre-reinforced concrete and aramid fibre tendon) in order to avoid corrosion and deterioration.

The conference will be held at the Institution of Structural Engineers in London on 16 November 2016. For more information, please visit the official website.

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