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Serviceability Limit States of Concrete Structures - Background Document of fib MC2020 (PDF)

No. 114. Serviceability Limit States of Concrete Structures - Background Document of fib MC2020 - Technical Report (250 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-188-5, November 2024).
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fib BULLETIN NO. 114

Title: Serviceability Limit States of Concrete Structures - Background Document of fib MC2020

Technical Report

Year: 2024

Pages: 250

Format approx. DIN A4 (210x297 mm)

ISBN: 978-2-88394-188-5


Serviceability limit states verification is a very important part of structural design. It is a proof that the structure successfully meets the client’s needs. The Task Group TG2.1 has been working in this field for decades. Earlier bulletin No. 92 summarised information which was used in the fib Model Code 2010. This Bulletin provides the supplementary knowledge related to the new fib Model Code (2020). The scope of interest has been expanded to include topics that are highly relevant today. These are preferably durability and existing structures. The Bulletin 114 provides some information in chapters 2 and 4. Additionally, numerical methods are now frequently used for verifying serviceability limit states. The basic principles of their application are illustrated in chapter 5.

Cracking is a phenomenon that affects the appearance, function, and durability of concrete structures. The discussions on the significance of cracks, their acceptable widths and calculation methods of the crack widths can be endless. One approach for the crack width analysis was chosen for application in the fib MC2020. However, there are other opinions, which are based on experience and local tradition in individual countries. The Bulletin 114 shows some of them in the section 3.2.

The Bulletin was prepared by experts of TG 2.1 during the period following the finalization of the fib Model Code (2020). The theories presented in individual chapters and sections are illustrated with numerical studies and examples, helping readers better understand the Bulletin’s content. The team of authors believes that the collected knowledge contained in the Bulletin will be helpful to the users (designers, contractors, academics and also students) for better understanding of the performance of structures in service and in their everyday work.

Finally, gratitude is extended to all authors who contributed their hard work to the chapters, as well as to other Task Group members who participated in discussions and helped formulate the conclusions included in both the fib Model Code 2020 and Bulletin 114.

Jan Vítek - Convener of  TG2.1 - Serviceability models


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