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Le sfide della industrializzazione nella costruzione e manutenzione delle opere sotterranee

The fib supports the seminar on "Le sfide della industrializzazione nella costruzione e manutenzione delle opere sotterranee," which will take place on 24 October 2024, both online and at the University of Brescia.

After August 2018, a new phase of the underground infrastructure sector opened concerning the maintenance, restoration and modernization of existing assets. While for some clients, in particular hydroelectric energy producers, maintenance and improvement activities have always constituted a usual practice, based on their continuous planning during periods of plant downtime, transport infrastructure managers (roads, motorways, railways and subways ) have found themselves facing a real economic and programmatic challenge, due to often obsolete and neglected infrastructures, which need to be treated frequently without interrupting their operation or doing so in the shortest periods possible. The need for the no longer postponable execution of these interventions has added, in recent years, to the stringent deadlines imposed by the time constraints for the construction of the new works envisaged in the PNRR. To successfully achieve the objectives of modernization and new construction, the resulting workload for all operators in the sector can only be addressed with approaches based on industrialized processes, with extensive use of prefabrication and the use of equipment, innovative materials and methods in all phases of activity development.
In the wake of the seminars organized in recent years, our associations propose this new event, which involves the involvement of the most important workers in the underground industry, with the presentation of experiences relating both to the maintenance and improvement of the existing heritage and to new buildings, selected based on the innovative content of the proposals which will be collected through a call-for-abstracts by May 2024.

For more information and to register, please review the flyer.

Event Properties

Event Date 24-10-2024
Event End Date 24-10-2024
Attachment 424 CTE GALLERIE Flyer.pdf

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