The fib prides itself on the quality of its publications. The Federation has decided to make some of them available free of charge. Our free documents include the first completed drafts of the 2010 Model Code and the Award for Outstanding Concrete Structures brochures.
The free documents can be previewed and downloaded online. fib members can also preview and download the fib directory online.
For more publications, please visit the fib Publications page.
Free documents
COM8 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 8. COM8 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM8 - Durability and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM8 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 8. COM8 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM8 - Durability and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM7 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 7. COM7 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM7 - Sustainability and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM7 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 7. COM7 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM7 - Sustainability and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM6 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 6. COM6 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM6 - Prefabrication and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM6 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 6. COM6 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM6 - Prefabrication and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM5 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 5. COM5 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM5 - Reinforcements and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM5 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 5. COM5 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM5 - Reinforcements and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM4 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 4. COM4 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM4 - Concrete & Concrete Technology and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM4 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 4. COM4 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM4 - Concrete & Concrete Technology and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM3 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 3. COM3 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM3 - Existing Concrete Structures and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM3 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 3. COM3 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM3 - Existing Concrete Structures and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM2 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 2. COM2 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM2 - Analysis & Design and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM2 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 2. COM2 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM2 - Analysis & Design and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

COM1 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 1. COM1 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM1 - Concrete Structures and its subgroups - extracted from the 2023 Directory

COM1 Terms-of-reference (PDF)
No. 1. COM1 Terms-of-reference - Description and Scope of COM1 - Concrete Structures and its subgroups - extracted from the 2021 Directory

Prefabrication for affordable housing (PDF)
No. 60. Prefabrication for affordable housing. State-of-art report (130 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-100-7, August 2011 - PDF format

Model Code 2010 - First complete draft, Volume 2 (PDF)
N° 56. Model Code 2010 - First complete draft, Volume 2. Draft model code.
Note: the final approved version of MC2010 is published as Bulletins 65 ...

Model Code 2010 - First complete draft, Volume 1 (PDF)
N° 55. Model Code 2010 - First complete draft, Volume 1. Draft model code
Note: the final approved version of MC2010 is published as Bulletins 65 ...

2006 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures (PDF)
N° 36. 2006 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures. Bulletin (40 pages, ISBN 978-2-88394-076-5, May 2006) - PDF format

2014 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures (PDF)
No. 04. 2014 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures. Presented at the 2014 fib Congress in Mumbai. (48 pages, February 2014)

2010 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures (PDF)
No. 03. 2010 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures. Presented at the 2010 fib Congress in Washington. (40 pages, May 2010)

2002 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures (PDF)
No. 02. 2002 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures. Presented in Rougemont (Switzerland) on March 1, 2002.