Analysis and design are understood as core tasks of structural engineering. In this field, nine areas of interest have been identified; hence, nine task groups form the basis of the new structure of Commission 2. Today, the analysis – i.e. the detailed investigation of the stress and strain state – has gained in importance, and consequently refined and physically based models and calculation procedures are required. On the other hand, the design of new structures (comprising conception, dimensioning and detailing) still is fundamental for practicing engineers. In general, the respective approaches should be one and the same for the two levels of detail, but more practical and easier to apply for the latter case. Commission 2 supports and follows this line of development of structural engineering.
Scope and objective of technical work
The scope of Commission 2 is to develop models and calculation procedures for the analysis and design of structures and structural members under short term and long term static loading as well as under fatigue, fire and extreme events. Serviceability limit states and ultimate limit states as well as their interaction are considered, and both research results and recommendations for the practical application shall be presented. In the near future the activity of COM2 will focus on new and also on existing structures in order to support the development of the new fib Model Code 2020.
First name | Last name | Country | Affiliation |
György L. | Balázs | Hungary | Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics |
Giuseppe | Mancini | Italy | Politecnico Torino |
Maria Rosaria | Pecce | Italy | University of Naples Federico II |
Joost | Walraven | Netherlands | Dutch fib Delegation |
Mikael | Braestrup | Denmark | Rambøll |
Oguzhan | Bayrak | United States | Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Manfred | Curbach | Germany | Technische Univ. Dresden |
Giovanni | Plizzari | Italy | University of Brescia |
Jan | Vítek | Czech Republic | Metrostav a. s. |
Walter | Kaufmann | Switzerland | ETH Zürich |
John | Cairns | United Kingdom | Heriot-Watt University |
David | Fernández-Ordóñez | Switzerland | fib |
Rolf | Eligehausen | Germany | IWB, Universität Stuttgart |
Viktor | Sigrist | Switzerland | Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture |
Mikael | Hallgren | Sweden | Tyréns Sverige AB |
Aurelio | Muttoni | Switzerland | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) |
Niels | Høj | Switzerland | HOJ Consulting GmbH |
Stephen | Foster | Australia | UNSW Australia |
Johann | Kollegger | Austria | Vienna University of Technology |
Koichi | Maekawa | Japan | Yokohama National University |
Robert | Vollum | United Kingdom | Imperial College London |
- TG2.1 - Serviceability models
- TG2.2 - Ultimate limit state models
- TG2.3 - Fire design of concrete structures
- TG2.4 - Computer-based modeling and design
- TG2.5 - Bond and material models
- TG2.6 - Composite steel-concrete construction
- TG2.7 - Seismic Design
- TG2.8 - Safety and performance concepts
- TG2.9 - Fastenings to structural concrete and masonry
- TG2.10 - Textile reinforced concrete construction and design
- TG2.11 - Structures made by digital fabrication
- TG2.12 - Protective Concrete Structures against Hazards
- TG2.13 - Design and assessment for tsunami loading
- TG2.14 - Open-source code development by the fib
- TG2.15 - Bridges with combined reinforcement
TG2.1 - Serviceability models
Serviceability limit states (SLS) determine the applicability of concrete structures. When these criteria are met, the concrete structure can function properly during its service life. Correct design according to serviceability limit states is therefore essential for the construction of durable, robust and valuable structures. Violation of the SLS criteria leads to structures that do not function properly and/or to reduced durability, the consequences of which can be recognised very quickly. Therefore, the models for verification of the expected criteria are of primary importance.
The activity of the group is focused on the development of models for analysis of cracks and deformations of concrete structures. Beside the sophisticated numerical models, engineering practice requires practical engineering approaches, which are applicable in codes and in preliminary design stages when important decisions on the conceptual design are accepted. The activity will be focused on new structures and also on existing structures for assessment, rehabilitation or strengthening.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Francesca Ceroni Italy Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Diane Gardner United Kingdom Cardiff University Laurie Lacarrière France INSA Toulouse H. Gintaris Kaklauskas Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ. Michel Lorrain France INSA Clare Burns Switzerland Walt+Galmarini AG Philippe Bisch France Egis Industries Damir Tkalčič Croatia Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia Pier Debernardi Italy Politecnico di Torino Lars Eckfeldt Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) Matteo Guiglia Italy Politecnico di Torino Dorian Borosnyoi-Crawley New Zealand WSP Research Jean-Philippe Sellin France Cerema Robert Lark United Kingdom Cardiff University Mamdouh El-Badry Canada University of Calgary Lukáš Vráblík Czech Republic Novak & Partner Ltd Maurizio Taliano Italy Politecnico di Torino Viktor Gribniak Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Amin Ghali Canada University of Calgary Andor Windisch Germany - Josko Ozbolt Germany Universität Stuttgart François Toutlemonde France Université Gustave Eiffel Maria Rosaria Pecce Italy University of Naples Federico II Jean Michel Torrenti France Univ Gustave Eiffel Ekkehard Fehling Germany IBB Fehling + Jungmann GmbH Vladimir Cervenka Czech Republic Cervenka Consulting Mario Alberto Chiorino Italy Politecnico di Torino Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Jan Vítek Czech Republic Metrostav a. s. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Olivier Burdet Switzerland EPFL-ENAC-IBETON Lluis Torres Spain University of Girona Roman Wan-Wendner Belgium Ghent University Frédéric Duprat France INSA Toulouse Antonio Mari Bernat Spain Uni. Politéc. Catalunya Cristina Barris Spain Universitat de Girona Alena Kohoutkova Czech Republic Czech Technical University - CVUT Philippe Menétrey Switzerland IngPhi sa Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia Tamon Ueda China Shenzhen University György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics Nikola Tošić Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Christina McLeod South Africa University of Kwazulu - Natal Arvydas Rimkus Vilnius Lithuania Gediminas Technical University Dirk Schlicke Austria Technische Universität Graz Jean-Jacques Brioist France SIAM, AFGC Syed Yasir Alam France Ecole Central de Nantes Reignard Tan Norway NTNU Trondheim Viet Tue Nguyen Austria TU Graz Robert Vollum United Kingdom Imperial College London ab van den bos Netherlands NLyse Helder Filipe Moreira de Sousa Portugal Brisa Group -
WP2.1.1 - Long-term behaviour of prestressed concrete bridgesSome concrete bridges suffer from deflections that are larger than expected. The objective of WP2.1.1 is to explain possible reasons of this phenomenon, to identify factors and finally to propose recommendations for the design of new bridges or as well as the rehabilitation of existing bridges.
First name Last name Country Affiliation György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics Jean-Philippe Sellin France Cerema Mario Alberto Chiorino Italy Politecnico di Torino Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Jan Vítek Czech Republic Metrostav a. s. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Olivier Burdet Switzerland EPFL-ENAC-IBETON Roman Wan-Wendner Belgium Ghent University Antonio Mari Bernat Spain Uni. Politéc. Catalunya Frédéric Duprat France INSA Toulouse Mamdouh El-Badry Canada University of Calgary Robert Lark United Kingdom Cardiff University Philippe Menétrey Switzerland IngPhi sa Lukáš Vráblík Czech Republic Novak & Partner Ltd Cristina Barris Spain Universitat de Girona Christina McLeod South Africa University of Kwazulu - Natal Eva Oller Ibars Spain Technical University of Catalonia Dirk Schlicke Austria Technische Universität Graz -
WP2.1.2 - Restrained and imposed deformationsThe main objective of Working Party 2.1.2 is to present practical recommendations for the design of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures to accommodate the effects of restrained and imposed deformations. This involves looking into the causes of internally-induced and externallyimposed deformations and point out their different influences on the structural behaviour. The WP will assess various effects that may affect the degree of restraint such as superimposed loading and presence of prestressing, and propose modifications to existing design criteria where relevant.Guidance will be given on the use of nonlinear response analysis for rigorous response prediction.
First name Last name Country Affiliation György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics Carlos Bajo Pavia Spain Ferrovial Agromán S. A. José Câmara Portugal Inst. Superior Tecnico Jean Michel Torrenti France Univ Gustave Eiffel Jan Vítek Czech Republic Metrostav a. s. Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Lluis Torres Spain University of Girona Lukáš Vráblík Czech Republic Novak & Partner Ltd Viktor Gribniak Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Laurie Lacarrière France INSA Toulouse Antonio Mari Bernat Spain Uni. Politéc. Catalunya Maurizio Taliano Italy Politecnico di Torino Hugo Corres Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores Dirk Schlicke Austria Technische Universität Graz
TG2.2 - Ultimate limit state models
Task Group 2.2 was established to evaluate and develop models for the conception, design and analysis of concrete structures. Topics within the scope of the work may include models that deal with the ultimate limit state and with ductility as to their affect on peak and post peak behaviours.
The objective of TG2.2 is to synthesise available results from research, testing and design experience. Therefore, research and development in this field is monitored, documented and evaluated. For the time being, the work is focused on the behaviour of slabs and beams in shear, shear aspects in the design of members reinforced with steel bars, steel fibres or a combination of steel fibres and bars and the punching behaviour of slabs. Moreover, strut-and-tie modelling is treated as a specific method to capture ultimate limit states.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Steve Denton United Kingdom WSP Joost Walraven Netherlands Dutch fib Delegation Oguzhan Bayrak United States Univ. of Texas at Austin Josef Hegger Germany RWTH Aachen Fausto Minelli Italy University of Brescia Robert Vollum United Kingdom Imperial College London Miguel Fernández Ruiz Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) Miguel Lourenço Portugal JSJ Consulting Stephen Foster Australia UNSW Australia Daniel Kuchma United States University of Illinois Marco di Prisco Italy Politecnico di Milano Evan Bentz Canada University of Toronto -
WP2.2.1 - Shear in beamsWP2.2.1 will prepare a bulletin about shear design and analysis models for beams (physical basis and experimental validation). Several aspects are considered to be treated in the report, including the influence of the member size or of point loads near supports, clear definitions of failure modes, strut-and-tie modelling or nonlinear calculation procedures.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Joost Walraven Netherlands Dutch fib Delegation Oguzhan Bayrak United States Univ. of Texas at Austin Beatrice Belletti Italy Univ. degli Studi di Parma - Engineering and Architecture Josef Hegger Germany RWTH Aachen Robert Vollum United Kingdom Imperial College London Miguel Fernández Ruiz Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Walter Kaufmann Switzerland ETH Zürich David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Viktor Sigrist Switzerland Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) Antoni Cladera Bohigas Spain University of Balearic Islands Patrick Huber Austria Vienna University of Technology Trevor Hrynyk United States University of Waterloo Stephen Foster Australia UNSW Australia Daniel Kuchma United States University of Illinois Sung-Gul Hong Korea, Republic of Seoul National University Boyan Mihaylov Belgium University of Liege Juan Sagaseta United Kingdom University of Surrey Almila Uzel Turkey Yeditepe University Evan Bentz Canada University of Toronto -
WP2.2.2 - Shear in members with steel fibresWP2.2.2 will invite further experts to participate.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Fausto Minelli Italy University of Brescia David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Stephen Foster Australia UNSW Australia Marco di Prisco Italy Politecnico di Milano -
WP2.2.3 - Punching and shear in slabsWP2.2.3 will invite further experts to participate.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Maurizio Orlando Italy Università degli Studi di Firenze Günter Rombach Germany Techn. Univ. of Hamburg-Harburg António Ramos Portugal NOVA School of Science &Technology Jaroslav Halvonik Slovakia Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Mary Beth Hueste United States Texas A&M University Dominik Kueres Germany RWTH Aachen University Rupert Walkner Austria University of Innsbruck Gustavo Parra-Montesinos United States University of Michigan Guilherme Melo Brazil Universidade de Brasilia Joost Walraven Netherlands Dutch fib Delegation Oguzhan Bayrak United States Univ. of Texas at Austin Josef Hegger Germany RWTH Aachen Robert Vollum United Kingdom Imperial College London Miguel Fernández Ruiz Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Anssi Laaksonen Finland Tampere University of Technology Carlos Ospina United States Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Markus Vill Austria Vill ZT GmbH David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Mikael Hallgren Sweden Tyréns Sverige AB Jürgen Feix Austria University of Innsbruck Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) Linh Hoang Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Juan Sagaseta United Kingdom University of Surrey Hong-Gun Park Korea, Republic of Seoul National University Maria Polak Canada University of Waterloo Yuguang Yang Netherlands TU Delft -
WP2.2.4 - Strut and tie modellingWP2.2.4 will address topics such as ordinary and more refined models, the level of approximation concept, an update of the MC2010 provisions, reversal loading and 3D models.
First name Last name Country Affiliation João Almeida Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa Miguel Fernández Ruiz Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Stathis Bousias Greece Department of Civ il Engineering David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Jaime Mata-Falcón Spain Universitat Politècnica de València Miguel Lourenço Portugal JSJ Consulting Boyan Mihaylov Belgium University of Liege Linh Hoang Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Carlos Meléndez Spain Esteyco SA Duarte Faria Switzerland Muttoni et Fernández, ingénieurs conseils SA Miguel Pedrosa Ferreira Portugal - Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne)
TG2.3 - Fire design of concrete structures
Task Group 2.3 welcomes active members with expertise in theory and practice in relation to fire design of concrete structures. The scope of TG2.3 comprises a discussion of theoretical and practical problems in relation to fire design and the development of the state-of-the-art and best practices for fire design of concrete structures. It is the goal that the results of the task group will not only serve as a reference for the experts within the topic of fire design, but also will be helpful for the members of the fib in general.
The scope of the work of TG2.3 is based on the previous achievements, which include Bulletins 38 and 46 on fire design of concrete structures: materials, modelling, structural behaviour and assessment, as well as contributions to the fib Model Code and various workshops and special sessions on these topics.
In the next phase, TG2.3 will concentrate on a number of topical issues within fire design, with the objective of providing general engineering guidance within these fields. The work is organised in three working parties, with the following titles and scope.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Frank Dehn Germany KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Patrick Bamonte Italy Politecnico di Milano Roberto Felicetti Italy Politecnico di Milano Jean Marc Franssen Belgium Université de Liège João Rodrigues Portugal University of Coimbra - Polo II Pietro Gambarova Italy Politecnico di Milano Venkatesh Kodur United States Michigan State University Long Phan United States NIST David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Ruben Van Coile Belgium Ghent University Luc Taerwe Belgium Ghent University Cristian Maluk United Kingdom - Hitesh Lakhani Germany University of Stuttgart Thomas Gernay United States Johns Hopkins University Negar Elhami Khorasani United States University at Buffalo M.Z. Naser United States Clemson University Frederik Hänsel Germany - Nataša Kalaba France Cerib Francesco Lo Monte Italy Politecnico di Milano Elena Michelini Italy University of Parma Riccardo Stucchi Switzerland Lombardi SA Ankit Agrawal United States Integral Research Solutions Group Tom Molkens Belgium KU Leuven Moritz Boxheimer Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Peng Gao China Hefei University of Technology Katherine Cashell United Kingdom University College London Urska Blumauer Slovenia Slovenian Building Research Institute Wojciech Szymkuc Poland Poznan University of Technology -
WP2.3.1 - Spalling design
The aim of WP2.3.1 is to prepare a technical report providing guidance on the structural fire engineering design for concrete structures with a high probability and/or sensitive to the occurrence of concrete spalling during or after a fire.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Roberto Felicetti Italy Politecnico di Milano David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib João Rodrigues Portugal University of Coimbra - Polo II Hitesh Lakhani Germany University of Stuttgart Cristian Maluk United Kingdom - Long Phan United States NIST -
WP2.3.2 - Performance-based fire designThe aim of WP2.3.2 is to summarise, in a technical report, the international state-of-the-art and to discuss it specifically in relation to concrete structures, with the aim of achieving a proposal for its practical application.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Jean Marc Franssen Belgium Université de Liège David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Thomas Gernay United States Johns Hopkins University Patrick Bamonte Italy Politecnico di Milano Hitesh Lakhani Germany University of Stuttgart Cristian Maluk United Kingdom - Negar Elhami Khorasani United States University at Buffalo M.Z. Naser United States Clemson University João Rodrigues Portugal University of Coimbra - Polo II Ruben Van Coile Belgium Ghent University Marcus Achenbach Germany LGA KdöR Mohsen Roosefid France IRSN -
WP2.3.3 - Fire resistance of concrete tunnelsThe aim of WP2.3.3 is to prepare a technical report concerning structural engineering aspects of fire in tunnels. The main topics to be discussed are the design of concrete tunnels exposed to fire, fire scenario for different tunnels, material for concrete tunnels and design supported by testing.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Patrick Bamonte Italy Politecnico di Milano Frederik Hänsel Germany - Nataša Kalaba France Cerib Francesco Lo Monte Italy Politecnico di Milano Elena Michelini Italy University of Parma Riccardo Stucchi Switzerland Lombardi SA David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib -
WP2.3.4 - Post-fire assessmentThe aim of WP2.3.4 is to prepare a technical report the post fire assessment of concrete structures, summarizing the international state-of-the-art and providing actionable guidance on the evaluation of concrete structures following fire exposure.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Ruben Van Coile Belgium Ghent University Roberto Felicetti Italy Politecnico di Milano Thomas Gernay United States Johns Hopkins University Venkatesh Kodur United States Michigan State University Hitesh Lakhani Germany University of Stuttgart Tom Molkens Belgium KU Leuven João Rodrigues Portugal University of Coimbra - Polo II Ankit Agrawal United States Integral Research Solutions Group David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Cristian Maluk United Kingdom -
TG2.4 - Computer-based modelling and design
Task Group 2.4 (TG2.4) aims to bridge the gap between complex and advanced analyses and practical design applications. The current state of knowledge on nonlinear methods, thermomechanical analyses as well as the application of holistic 3D building models will be prepared for practical use.
The scope and objectives of TG2.4 are to:
- survey the current state of knowledge on computer-based modelling and design;
- develop guidance documents related to the application of non-linear computer-based analysis methods for assessing performance and aiding the design of concrete members;
- develop guidance documents related to the application of thermomechanical computer-based analysis methods for assessing the cracking risk respectively the mode of cracking and the required minimum reinforcement due to imposed and restrained deformations;
- establish frameworks and methods to incorporate the application of holistic 3D building models in the static analysis and design in practice;
- provide guidance on the application of computational modelling procedures to post-construction assessments, forensic engineering, and rehabilitation work relating to existing concrete structures.
Moreover, the Task Group 2.4 shall become a platform for researchers and practical users to:
- propose criteria for calibrating or validating computer-based procedures employed for concrete structure design or assessment;
- discuss the extension of computer-based modelling procedures to structures employing high performance concretes, fibre-reinforced concretes, and composite concrete structures;
- work toward integrating computer-based analysis-related provisions within the Model Code.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Daniel Kuchma United States University of Illinois Laura Lowes United States University of Washington Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University Enrico Spacone Italy Università G. D’Annunzio Oguzhan Bayrak United States Univ. of Texas at Austin Manfred Curbach Germany Technische Univ. Dresden Vladimir Cervenka Czech Republic Cervenka Consulting Walter Kaufmann Switzerland ETH Zürich David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Stephen Foster Australia UNSW Australia Giorgio Monti Italy Sapienza Università di Roma Maria Polak Canada University of Waterloo Diego Lorenzo Allaix Netherlands TNO Neitherlands Mazen Ayoubi Germany Jordahl GmbH Beatrice Belletti Italy Univ. degli Studi di Parma - Engineering and Architecture Jaime Mata-Falcón Spain Universitat Politècnica de València Serhan Guner Canada Morrison Hershfield Ltd Max Hendriks Netherlands Delft University of Technology Frank Vecchio Canada University of Toronto Marius Weber Switzerland ETH Zurich Bjørn William Strand Norway Multiconsult AS Evan Bentz Canada University of Toronto Morten Engen Norway Multiconsult AS Tetsuya Ishida Japan Department of Civil Engineering Dirk Schlicke Austria Technische Universität Graz ab van den bos Netherlands NLyse -
WP2.4.1 - Modelling of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Structures
Discrete fibres are being added to cement based materials (Fibre reinforced concrete, FRC) in order to increase the post-cracking residual strength of concrete structures. The fibre reinforcement mechanisms are mainly activated after crack initiation of the binder paste, so modelling the behaviour of FRC requires numerical approaches able of simulating the crack initiation and crack propagation in cement based materials. However, the designers that have the responsibility to design FRC structures face several challenges for selecting the most appropriate constitutive model, such is the case when intended to use sophisticated computer programs based on the finite element method (FEM). The values of the parameters of the constitutive models, and how to assure that these values are representative of the behaviour of the real structure are key aspects that designers face.
The main aim of this WG is to propose reliable methodologies for the application of FEM-based computer models for the design of FRC structures by considering their serviceability and ultimate limit state exigencies.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Joaquim A. O. Barros Portugal Universidade do Minho David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib ab van den bos Netherlands NLyse Alberto Carpinteri Italy Politecnico di Torino Alessandro Fantilli Italy Politecnico di Torino Beatriz Sanz Spain Technical University of Madrid Erez GAL Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Frank Vecchio Canada University of Toronto Jan Cervenka Czech Republic Cervenka Consulting Ltd Liberato Ferrara Italy Politecnico di Milano Pierre Rossi France IFSTTAR Antonio Caggiano Germany Univ. of Buenos Aires/Univ. of Darmstadt Daniel Dias-da-Costa Portugal The Univ. of Sydney / Univ. of Coimbra David Cendon Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Elisa Poveda Bautista Spain University of Castilla-La Mancha Erik Schlangen Netherlands Delft University of Technology Gerrit Neu Germany Ruhr University Bochum Gunther Meschke Germany Ruhr University Bochum Jaime Planas Spain Technical University of Madrid Peter Juhasz Hungary JKP Static - Budapest Massimiliano Cremonesi Italy Politecnico di Milano Nilüfer Özyurt Zihnioğlu Turkey Boğaziçi University Petr Kabele Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague Rena C. Yu Spain University of Castilla-La Mancha Stamatina Chasioti Canada Yorku University Ventura Gouveia Portugal Polytechnic Institute of Viseu Vitor Cunha Portugal University of Minho Yin Chi China Wuhan University Luis Matos Portugal University of Minho Federico Accornero China - -
WP2.4.2 - Life-span numerical simulation of concrete structures
Accurate prediction of the durability and long-term performance of concrete structures is a challenging task due to numerous influencing factors involved and their complex combinations. Despite these complexities, the majority of current standard specifications deal with the durability of concrete on the basis of a rather simple, prescriptive approach, where a set of requirements are usually applied to at the design stage and serve mainly as the basis of quality control. The durability and long-term performance of concrete structures are also essential for evaluating sustainability aspects such as the life-cycle emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, we should be able to accurately predict the service life of a structure for given materials and processes. To improve our capability to predict the service life of concrete structures, we intend to use a multi-scale approach taking into account the time-dependent properties of concrete, externally applied loads and exposure environments in a holistic manner. To this end, such analysis models and simulation frameworks are still under development, and we aim to showcase its applicability, calculation procedures, required parameters, and appropriate ways of interpreting the simulation results.
The main scope of WP 2.4.2 is developing accurate and reliable models and simulation frameworks for life-span numerical simulation of concrete structures. The primary objective of the activity is to couple material and structural behaviors with their durability and sustainability. The developed numerical models should cover mechanical behaviors, durability issues, and sustainability aspects such as CO2 emissions.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Tetsuya Ishida Japan Department of Civil Engineering David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Motohiro Ohno Japan The University of Tokyo Farid Benboudjema France ENS Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay Shashank Bishnoi India Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Jie Dai China Henan University of Technology Fuyuan Gong China Zhejiang University B. Suryanto United Kingdom Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Miguel Azenha Portugal Civil UMinho - Universidade do Minho Kefei Li China - Mehboob Rasul Japan Technology Development Division
TG2.5 - Bond and material models
The overall motivation of TG2.5 is to advance theoretical and practical developments in topics related to bond and anchorage of reinforcing and prestressing materials, and to present these developments in an understandable and code-type formulated manner.
TG2.5 undertakes activities which stimulate and advance modelling of the influence of bond and anchorage of reinforcement on structural performance, as well as the development of design provisions related to bond behaviour and detailing of laps and anchorages.
First name Last name Country Affiliation György L. Balázs Hungary Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Economics Francesca Ceroni Italy Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Pietro Gambarova Italy Politecnico di Milano Stavroula (S.J.) Pantazopoulou Canada The Lassonde Faculty of Engineering, York University Maria Antonietta Aiello Italy University of Lecce Carlo Pellegrino Italy Università di Padova Flora Faleschini Italy University of Padova Roman Sedlmair Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technology (KIT) David Čitek Czech Republic CTU Klokner Institute Gabriella Bolzon Italy Politecnico di Milano Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Giovanni Metelli Italy University of Brescia Karin Lundgren Sweden Chalmers University of Technology Giovanni Plizzari Italy University of Brescia John Cairns United Kingdom Heriot-Watt University Charles Goodchild United Kingdom The Concrete Centre David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) Bruno Massicotte Canada Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Dario Coronelli Italy Politecnico di Milano Marianoela Leone Italy Universita del Salento Remy Lequesne United States The University of Kansas Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Giovacchino Genesio Germany Hilti group Josipa Bosnjak Germany Universität Stuttgart Fabrizio Palmisano Italy PPV Consulting Studio Palmisano Perilli Associati, Juan Murcia-Delso Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Marc Koschemann Germany Technische Universität Dresden TG2.6 - Composite steel-concrete construction
Steel-concrete composite construction allows various structural solutions that optimize the performances of the two-component materials through a well-assessed design that takes into account all the particularities of steel and RC constructions as well as interaction problems.
The use of composite construction is widely spread all around the world, and its use for the construction of medium-sized bridges is a very frequent technical choice. In this historical period, the concrete industry must take this into account.
The motivation of the fib TG2.6 is to identify the meaningful characteristics of composite steel- concrete structures with respect to typical aspects of RC structures in order to provide technical knowledge and design provisions.
The activity of the group is focused on the analyses of the structural behaviour of RC parts constituting steel-concrete composite members and the modeling of their interaction with the steel parts.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Paolo Napoli Italy Politecnico di Torino Giovanni Fabbrocino Italy University of Molise Luigi di Sarno Italy Università degli studi del Sannio Luigino Dezi Italy Università Politecnica delle Marche Ciro Faella Italy University of Salerno Claudio Amadio Italy University of Trieste Iolanda del Prete United Kingdom BuroHappold Engineering Dennis Lam United Kingdom University of Bradford Graziano Leoni Italy University of Camerino Yong Wang United Kingdom University of Manchester Riccardo Zandonini Italy University of Trento Gabriele Bertagnoli Italy Politecnico di Torino Emidio Nigro Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Ahmed Elghazouli United Kingdom Imperial College London Giuseppe Mancini Italy Politecnico Torino Maria Rosaria Pecce Italy University of Naples Federico II Antonio Bilotta Italy University of Naples Federico II Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Roman Wan-Wendner Belgium Ghent University Enzo Martinelli Italy University of Salerno Clémence Le Pourry France Ingenova Meini Su United Kingdom University of Manchester Hugo Corres Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores Alejandro Giraldo Soto Switzerland - TG2.7 - Seismic Design
The motivation for the work of Task Group 2.7 (TG2.7) is the promotion of the use and improvement in safety of concrete structures under accidental (e.g. seismic) actions and/or in exposed regions worldwide.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Paolo Franchin Italy Sapienza Università di Roma Andreas Kappos United Arab Emirates Khalifa Univ. Michael Fardis Greece University of Patras David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Gian Calvi Italy Universita degli Studi di Pavia Jesús-Miguel Bairán Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTECH) Matjaz Dolsek Slovenia Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Iunio Iervolino Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Tao Wang China Institute of Engineering Mechanics Philippe Bisch France Egis Industries Dionysis Biskinis Greece University of Patras Xilin Lu China Tongji University Telemachos Panagiotakos Greece Private Marko Marinković Serbia University of Belgrade Xavier Romão Portugal University of Porto Andrea Lucchini Italy Sapienza University of Rome Andrea Marchi Italy Sapienza University of Rome Qiuhong Zhao China Tianjin University Alper Ilki Turkey ITU - Istanbul Technical University Shigeki Unjoh China Tohoku University Koichi Kusunoki Japan University of Tokyo Juan Murcia-Delso Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Murat Altug Erberik Turkey Middle East Technical University Jeena Jayamon United States John A. Martin & Associates, Inc. André Furtado Portugal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa Pathmanathan Rajeev Australia Swinburne University of Technology TG2.8 - Safety and performance concepts
The overall motivation of Task Group 2.8 (TG2.8) is based on the fact that structural systems are typically designed to stay in service for at least several decades. This implies that proper attention must be given to structural performance under various actions, both man-made and environmental, to the methodology of structural analysis and assessment, to material properties, to the inverse identification and monitoring of structural resistance among others. The main focus is the development of a holistic performance based design approach for new and existing structures and infrastructures.
The objective of TG2.8 is to promote and to provide on the basis of the guide to good practice “safety and performance concepts – reliability assessment of concrete structures” the theoretical and practical developments for the performance based design. This includes structural safety, serviceability and reliability, advanced methodology including probabilistic methods, inverse analyses techniques, monitoring methods, and performance and optimised life-cycle cost based design concepts.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Dirk Proske Austria Universität für Bodenkultur David Lehky Czech Republic Brno University of Technology Andrzej Nowak United States University of Nebraska Dan Frangopol United States Lehigh University Drahomir Novak Czech Republic Technical University of Brno Jaime Fernández Gomez Spain Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Antonino Recupero Italy R & S Engineering Konrad Bergmeister Austria Univ. Bodenkultur André de Chefdebien France Rector Lesage Alfred Strauss Austria BOKU University Raphael Steenbergen Netherlands TNO Structures and Safety Ainars Paeglitis Latvia - C.-A. Graubner Germany Techn. University Darmstadt David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Hans-Dieter Beushausen South Africa University of Cape Town Roman Wan-Wendner Belgium Ghent University José Campos e Matos Portugal University of Minho Christian Bucher Austria Techn. Univ. Wien Robby Caspeele Belgium Ghent University Nick Zygouris Greece Lithos Consulting Engineers Luc Taerwe Belgium Ghent University TG2.9 - Fastenings to structural concrete and masonry
The modern fastening technique is employed extensively for the transfer of concentrated loads into concrete and masonry structures. Cast-in-place anchors, placed in the formwork before casting of the concrete, as well as post-installed anchors and reinforcing bars, which are installed in hardened structural concrete or masonry, are equally common. Loads are transferred into the concrete or masonry by mechanical interlock, friction, bond or a combination of these mechanisms. However, independently of the load-transfer mechanism, all anchorages rely on the tensile strength of the concrete or masonry, a fact which must be taken into account in both assessment and design. Despite the widespread use of cast-in-place as well as post-installed anchors and reinforcing bars in construction, the overall level of understanding in the engineering community regarding their behaviour remains quite limited.
In order to improve the general state of knowledge in this field, Task Group 2.9 “Fastenings to Structural Concrete and Masonry” (former Special Activity Group 4) was formed.
The aim of TG2.9 is to collect and discuss the latest research results in the field of fastening technology, to identify new areas of research and to synthesise the research results in harmonised provisions for the design of fastenings.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Yoshiaki Nakano Japan University of Tokyo Elisabeth Vintzileou Greece National Technical University Athens Tomoaki Akiyama Japan Tokyo Soil Research CO., LTD Philipp Grosser Liechtenstein Hilti Corporation Jörg Asmus Germany IEA GmbH & Co. KG Yasuhiro Matsuzaki Japan Science University of Tokyo Rainer Mallee Germany - Dieter Lotze Germany Universität Stuttgart, Materialprüfungsanstalt Otto-Graf-Institut Klaus Block Germany fobatec GmbH Kurt Stochlia United States ICC Evaluation Service Yasutoshi Yamamoto Japan GAL Building Consultant Office Matthew Hoehler United States Nat. Inst. of Standards & Technologies Yoji Hosokawa Japan The Tokyo University Andra Hörmann-Gast United States ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Frank Haüsler Germany Halfen GmbH Anders Bergkivist Sweden Vattenfall Todd Davis United States Milwaukee School of Engineering Jay Dorst United States Atlas Consulting Group Mazen Ayoubi Germany Jordahl GmbH Shigehiro Ando Japan Sumitomo Osaka Cement Jean-Paul Marasco France ITW-Spit Peter Schillinger Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG David Xiong China Hilti Oliver Zeman Austria Universität für Bodenkultur Feng Zhu Germany Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Brian Gerber United States IAPMO Thomas Kuhn Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co KG J. Bret Turley United States Simpson Strong Tie Company, Inc. Mark Ziegler United States Powers Fasteners Inc. Thomas Kolden United States Element Materials Technology Howard Silverman United States ICC - Evaluation Service Valerie Rostaind France Spit Philipp Mahrenholtz Germany Stanley Black & Decker Deutschland GmbH Rasoul Nilforoush Sweden Luleå University of Technology Andreas Wendt United States Simpson Strong Tie Company, Inc. Catherina Thiele Germany Technische Universität Kaiserlautern Pierre Pimienta France CSTB - Centre Scien. et Techn. du Bâtiment Gerhard Lange Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Nicolas Pinoteau France CSTB Jürgen Stork Germany Consultant Konrad Bergmeister Austria Univ. Bodenkultur Jochen Buhler Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co KG Thierry Guillet France CSTB Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Torsten Rutz Germany MKT Metall-Kunststoff-Technik GmbH John Silva United States Hilti Inc. Friedrich Wall Liechtenstein Hilti AG Philipp Strater Germany Chemofast Anchoring GmbH Ronald Cook United States University of Florida Longfei Li Germany Dr. Li Anchor Profi GmbH David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Geoff Fletcher Australia National Precast Concrete Assoc Australia Norbert Randl Austria Carinthia Univ. of Applied Sciences Muneomi Takahashi Japan Hilti Japan Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Lennart Elfgren Sweden Luleå University of Technology Jorma Kinnunen Finland Peikko Group Corporation Roman Wan-Wendner Belgium Ghent University Jake Olsenv United States Powers Fasteners Alper Ilki Turkey ITU - Istanbul Technical University Werner Fuchs Germany Universität Stuttgart Christoph Mahrenholtz Germany Jordahl GmbH Jian Zhao United States University of Wisconsin Thomas Cebulla Germany S&P Software Consulting & Solutions GmbH Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) Thilo Pregartner Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Máté Tóth Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Chiwan Hsieh Taiwan, Province of China National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Vincent Chui United States ICC-Evaluation Service Andreas Beer Germany Halfen GmbH Thomas Sippel Finland Peikko Group Corp. Adeola Adediran United States Bechtel Beatrix Wittstock Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Ulrike Kuhlmann Germany University of Stuttgart Thilo Fröhlich Germany University of Stuttgart, Materials Testing Institute (Otto-Graf-Institut) Boglárka Bokor Liechtenstein Hilti Corporation Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG Giovacchino Genesio Germany Hilti group Andreas Kummerow Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Emanuel Ghermanschi-Lungu United Kingdom ECAP Tilak Pokharel Australia Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council (AEFAC) Dheeraj Waghmare United States Purdue University -
WP2.9.1 - Review of current fib model with a view to MC2010 and model for anchor reinforcementRevision of the design model for anchorage reinforcement taking into account bond provisions of the fib MC 2010.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Jörg Asmus Germany IEA GmbH & Co. KG Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart John Silva United States Hilti Inc. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Lennart Elfgren Sweden Luleå University of Technology Thomas Sippel Finland Peikko Group Corp. Adeola Adediran United States Bechtel Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG -
WP2.9.2 - Open topics in the current design guideReview of the design provisions for anchorages in respect to inconsistencies and new research results and development of improved design provisions.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Rainer Mallee Germany - Andreas Wendt United States Simpson Strong Tie Company, Inc. Thilo Pregartner Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Jürgen Stork Germany Consultant Jochen Buhler Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co KG Friedrich Wall Liechtenstein Hilti AG Longfei Li Germany Dr. Li Anchor Profi GmbH David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Máté Tóth Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Boglárka Bokor Liechtenstein Hilti Corporation Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG -
WP2.9.3 - Shear lugsDevelopment of provisions for the design of shear lugs. A proposal for designing fastenings with shear lugs has been accepted by TG2.9 and will be incorporated in the new edition of the fib design guide.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Harald Michler Germany Technische Universität Dresden Jürgen Stork Germany Consultant John Silva United States Hilti Inc. Ronald Cook United States University of Florida David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart -
WP2.9.4 - Fatigue loadingReview of the existing simplified design provisions for anchorages under fatigue loading and development of less conservative design provisions.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Dieter Lotze Germany Universität Stuttgart, Materialprüfungsanstalt Otto-Graf-Institut Klaus Block Germany fobatec GmbH Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Friedrich Wall Liechtenstein Hilti AG Longfei Li Germany Dr. Li Anchor Profi GmbH David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Máté Tóth Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Thomas Sippel Finland Peikko Group Corp. Thilo Fröhlich Germany University of Stuttgart, Materials Testing Institute (Otto-Graf-Institut) Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Thilo Pregartner Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG -
WP2.9.5 - Bonded anchors under sustained loadReview of research results on bonded anchors under sustained load and development of provisions for the design of anchorages with bonded anchors and connections with post-installed reinforcement to take into account the negative influence of sustained load. A proposal for design provisions has been accepted by TG2.9 and will be incorporated in the fib design guide.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Thierry Guillet France CSTB Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Joachim Schätzle Germany Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Friedrich Wall Liechtenstein Hilti AG Ronald Cook United States University of Florida David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) -
WP2.9.6 - Post-installed reinforcement – Harmonisation of rules for reinforced concrete and anchorages with bonded anchors and post-installed reinforcementDevelopment of a harmonised design concept for connections with bonded anchors and postinstalled reinforcement under static and seismic loading.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University John Silva United States Hilti Inc. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Christoph Mahrenholtz Germany Jordahl GmbH -
WP2.9.7 - Splitting of bonded anchorsDevelopment of design provision for bonded anchors to prevent splitting of the concrete member during pretensioning and loading which shall replace the currently required approval tests.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Jörg Asmus Germany IEA GmbH & Co. KG Thierry Guillet France CSTB Ronald Cook United States University of Florida David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Andreas Kummerow Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) -
WP2.9.8 - Required stiffness of baseplatesIn general, anchorages are designed under the assumption that the baseplate is stiff. However, no criteria are given in the fib Design Guide to assure a stiff baseplate. These provisions are under development. Furthermore, design rules for fastenings with flexible base plates are being discussed.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Jürgen Stork Germany Consultant Friedrich Wall Liechtenstein Hilti AG Ronald Cook United States University of Florida Longfei Li Germany Dr. Li Anchor Profi GmbH David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Brian Gerber United States IAPMO Dieter Lotze Germany Universität Stuttgart, Materialprüfungsanstalt Otto-Graf-Institut Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Thilo Pregartner Germany fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Feng Zhu Germany Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG Beatrix Wittstock Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik John Silva United States Hilti Inc. Clement Herve France EDF Jörg Asmus Germany IEA GmbH & Co. KG Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) Rainer Mallee Germany - Boglárka Bokor Liechtenstein Hilti Corporation Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG -
WP2.9.9 - Fire Resistance of anchors and post-installed reinforcementDevelopment of more refined provisions for the design of anchorages with all types of anchors and of connections with post-installed reinforcement under fire exposure. A proposal for the design of fastenings with post-installed reinforcement under fire exposure has been accepted by TG2.9. These will be incorporated in the fib design guide.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Kurt Stochlia United States ICC Evaluation Service Pierre Pimienta France CSTB - Centre Scien. et Techn. du Bâtiment Gerhard Lange Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Nicolas Pinoteau France CSTB Thierry Guillet France CSTB Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart John Silva United States Hilti Inc. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Muneomi Takahashi Japan Hilti Japan Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) -
WP2.9.10 - Evaluation and assessment of existing anchoragesDevelopment of provisions for evaluation and assessment of existing anchorages which are currently not available but urgently needed.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Lennart Elfgren Sweden Luleå University of Technology Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Longfei Li Germany Dr. Li Anchor Profi GmbH Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Jörg Asmus Germany IEA GmbH & Co. KG Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart Yasuhiro Matsuzaki Japan Science University of Tokyo Rasoul Nilforoush Sweden Luleå University of Technology John Silva United States Hilti Inc. Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) Thierry Guillet France CSTB Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG -
WP2.9.11 - Steel shear strength of anchorages with stand-off base plate connectionDevelopment of provisions to calculate the design steel shear strength of anchorages with stand-off base plate connections. Design provisions proposed by WP have been accepted by TG2.9 and will be incorporated in the fib design guide.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Jan Hofmann Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart John Silva United States Hilti Inc. Ronald Cook United States University of Florida David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Rolf Eligehausen Germany IWB, Universität Stuttgart -
WP2.9.12 - Seismic DesignDevelopment of provisions for seismic design of anchorages.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Giovanni Muciaccia Italy Politecnico di Milano Akanshu Sharma United States Purdue University David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Omar Al-Mansouri France CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) Thomas Sippel Finland Peikko Group Corp. Martin Umminger Germany Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG Paolo Martino Calvi United States -
TG2.10 - Textile reinforced concrete construction and design
New material composites such as textile/carbon reinforced concrete have been developed during the past two decades. Textile reinforced concrete is a composite material where the concrete is reinforced with textile structures instead of classical reinforcement steel. Apart from alcali resistant glass and similar materials, carbon has become the prevalent reinforcement material and lead to the development of so-called carbon concrete. Carbon textile fabrics as well as carbon bars are used as reinforcement material for carbon concrete. Carbon's resistance to corrosion allows an enormous reduction of concrete cover thickness in comparison to classical steel reinforced concrete.
These developments offer new ways in concrete constructions due to the possibility for curved, thinner and more filigree construction components. This might be a starting point for several new research work. Therefore, the work of a task group is considered meaningful. The task group "Textile reinforced concrete" will mainly (not exclusively) deal with carbon reinforcement. The task group may contribute in working out rules and compiling guidelines for the design of constructions made of the new composite material textile/carbon reinforced concrete.
The objective of the proposed task group is construction and design of textile reinforced concrete. Regarding the reinforcement material, carbon is in focus. The aim of the task group is to contribute in working out rules and compiling guidelines for the design of constructions made of textile/carbon reinforced concrete.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Frank Dehn Germany KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Rostislav Chudoba Germany RWTH Aachen University Erez GAL Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Alva Peled Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Michael Raupach Germany RWTH Aachen University Silke Scheere Germany TU Dresden Barzin Mobasher United States Arizona State University Harald Michler Germany Technische Universität Dresden Giuseppe Mancini Italy Politecnico Torino Manfred Curbach Germany Technische Univ. Dresden Josef Hegger Germany RWTH Aachen Viktor Mechtcherine Germany Technical Univ. Dresden David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib ab van den bos Netherlands NLyse Thanasis Triantafillou Greece University of Patras Norbert Will Germany RWTH Aachen University Tine Tysmans Belgium Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Rolf Alex Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) Birgit Beckmann Germany TU Dresden Isabella Giorgia Colombo Italy Politecnico di Milano Arnon Bentur Israel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Matteo Colombo Italy Politecnico di Milano Flavio De Andrade Silva Brazil Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Lars Eckfeldt Germany Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) Petr Hajek Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague Oliver Heppes Germany Goldbeck Bauelemente Bielefeld SE Benjamin Kromoser Austria Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Minoru Kunieda Japan GIfu University Steffen Müller Germany TU Dresden Aurelio Muttoni Switzerland École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPF Lausanne) Antoine Naaman United States University of Michigan Corina Papanikolaou Greece University of Patras - VAT Nr 998219694 Miguel Fernández Ruiz Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Frank Schladitz Germany TU Dresden Alexander Schumann Germany TU Dresden Amir Si Larbi France Civil Engineering Department, Ecole Nationale d'ingénieurs de Saint-Etienne Jan Wastiels Belgium Vrije Universiteit Brussel Juliane Wagner Germany TU Dresden Marco di Prisco Italy Politecnico di Milano Marko Butler Germany TU Dresden Ulrich Häußler-Combe Germany TU Dresden Martin Hunger Germany BASF Construction Solutions GmbH Peter Jehle Germany TU Dresden Philipp Preinstorfer Austria Technische Universität Wien Silvio Weiland Germany Loock & Weiland Josiane Giese Germany Dresden University Bahman Ghiassi United Kingdom University of Birmingham / School of Engineering Pietro Mazzuca Italy University of Calabria TG2.11 - Structures made by digital fabrication
Digital fabrication processes for fabricating concrete-like products, objects and/or structures are typically grouped into three main categories: (i) Layered Extrusion (e.g. contour crafting, concrete printing etc.), (ii) Binder Jetting (e.g. D-shape), (iii) Slip-forming (e.g. smart dynamic casting). However, to date, many important developments have been accomplished for layered extrusion technology, consisting of a digitally controlled moving printing head (or nozzle) that precisely lays down the concrete or mortar material layer-by-layer.
It is clear that the full understanding of the structural performances of digitally fabricated elements represents noteworthy progress in supporting the design of such innovative structures. In this way, reliable structural concepts and assessment methodologies could be integrated within existing international building codes/standards and adapted to the particularities of DFC, providing effective recommendations to the construction industry stakeholders.
The primary objective of the task group is to identify limiting aspects of the current design practice for the implementation of novel, digitally-fabricated concrete structures. Based on that, the task group will address fundamental structural issues related to the particularities of DFC with the final aim of providing effective guidelines for code-compliant applications.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Liberato Ferrara Italy Politecnico di Milano Domenico Asprone Italy University of Naples Federico II Costantino Menna Italy University of Naples Federico II Kim Van Tittelboom Belgium University of Ghent Jaime Mata-Falcón Spain Universitat Politècnica de València Theo Salet Netherlands Witteveen + Bos Raadgev. Ing. David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Freek Bos Netherlands Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Richard Buswell United Kingdom Loughborough University Sergio Cavalaro United Kingdom Loughborough University Geert de Schutter Belgium Ghent University Jacques Kruger South Africa Laboratory Manager & Researcher Dirk Lowke Germany Technische Universität Braunschweig Tor Martius-Hammer Norway SINTEF AS Viktor Mechtcherine Germany Technical Univ. Dresden Alessandro Morbi Italy ITALCEMENTI S.p.A. - HeidelbergCement Group Sandro Moro Italy BASF Venkatesh Naidu Nerella Germany TU-Dresden Nicolas Roussel France IFSTTAR Branko Šavija Netherlands Delft University of Technology Matthieu Schipper Netherlands Delft University of Technology Erik Schlangen Netherlands Delft University of Technology Weiqiang Wang China Hohai University Paulo J.S. Cruz Portugal University of Minho Lucia Licciardello Italy University of Brescia Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva Denmark Teknologisk Institut Paul Tykodi United States - Ksenija Vasilic Germany German Society for Concrete and Construction Technology Navendu Rai United Arab Emirates - Helder Filipe Moreira de Sousa Portugal Brisa Group TG2.12 - Protective Concrete Structures against Hazards
Concrete structures are suitable for the development and construction of protective structures against several kinds of hazards, like a blast, missiles, impact or thermal loads. The reasons for such extreme loadings may be different, but the structures under consideration have to provide conditions for safe and relatively comfortable survival of people inside. The TG2.12 will develop documents which specify the conditions of performance of protective structures and conditions for their design.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Avraham Dancygier Israel Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Jaap Weerheijm Netherlands TU Delft Peter Jäger Switzerland Peter Jäger Partner Bauingenieure AG Klaas van Breugel Netherlands Delft Univ. of Technology David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Sander Meijers Netherlands Royal Haskoning / DHV Birgit Beckmann Germany TU Dresden Alessandro Stocchi Germany Fraunhofer EMI -
WP2.12.1 Design of structures subjected to impact and explosionConcrete structures can be subjected to variable actions inducing very high strain rates, generated by several kinds of hazards, like blast, missiles or fragments, impact, in normal conditions or fire. The reasons for such extreme loadings may be different, but the structures investigated have to provide conditions for safe and relatively comfortable survival of people and equipment inside.According to the TG 2.12 activity, the action group AG12 has rewritten the chapter 30.2.3 on Impact and Explosion. The synthesis introduced in the Model Code requires a background document able to explain the change introduced in relation to Model Code 2010.The members of the Working Party have prepared a first draft of a bulletin aimed at introducing the background knowledge that explains the main novelties introduced in the indicated chapter. The idea is to discuss the document together with the interested people of the TG 2.12 in order to give the designers who are called to design protective structures a modern and a reliable basic tool.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Marco di Prisco Italy Politecnico di Milano David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Josko Ozbolt Germany Universität Stuttgart Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Avraham Dancygier Israel Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Jaap Weerheijm Netherlands TU Delft Matteo Colombo Italy Politecnico di Milano JIANGPENG SHU Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Nemkumar Banthia Canada Univ. of British Columbia Terje Kanstad Norway The Norwegian Univ.of Science & Tech Gerrie Dieteren Netherlands TNO Klaas van Breugel Netherlands Delft Univ. of Technology Manfred Keuser Germany BUNG Ingenieure A François Toutlemonde France Université Gustave Eiffel Kim Johansson Finland Concrete Assoc. of Finland Viktor Mechtcherine Germany Technical Univ. Dresden Manfred Curbach Germany Technische Univ. Dresden Barzin Mobasher United States Arizona State University Ezio Cadoni Switzerland DynaMat SUPSI Laboratory
TG2.13 - Design and assessment for tsunami loading
The primary objective of the task group (TG) is to identify methodologies for: (i) the design of tsunami resistant structures/infrastructure, (ii) the assessment of existing assets against tsunami-induced loads and (iii) the design/assessment of existing assets towards the sequential hazards such as earthquakes and tsunami, or other triggering hazards. Assets under investigation include RC, masonry, steel and composite structures and infrastructure.
The TG plans to face structural issues by focusing on the structural response of reinforced concrete structures and infrastructure under tsunami loading, with main focus on:
- The definition and estimation of loads (i.e., hydrostatic and hydrodynamic horizontal and vertical loads induced by a tsunami, such as buoyancy) acting on structural members for design/assessment of structures and infrastructure;
- The behaviour of non-structural components, such as infill walls;
- The structural analysis methodology for design/assessment;
- Performance levels and safety checks at local and global levels.
The fundamental knowledge produced in this framework will support the introduction of reliable design/assessment criteria in the field of tsunami engineering. This will provide an improvement with respect to existing international codes and will represent the first guideline for Europe.
The TG will also address aspects related to the harmonization of tsunami design provisions with existing design provisions for other kind of hazards.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Tiziana Rossetto United Kingdom University College London Marta Del Zoppo Italy University of Naples Federico II Andre Barbosa United States Structural Engineering Ian Robertson United States University of Hawaii at Manoa Toshikazu Kabeyasawa Japan Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences Ioan Nistor Canada University of Ottawa Dawn Lehman United States University of Washington Andrea Prota Italy Universita di Napoli Federico II Marco Baiguera United Kingdom University of Southampton Kyriazis Pitilakis Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Priyan Dias Sri Lanka University of Moratuwa Katsu Goda Canada Western University Daniel Cox United States Oregon State University Gary Chock United States Martin, Chock & Carden, Inc. Dan Palermo Canada York University Patricio Catalan Chile - Cláudia Reis Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico David McGovern United Kingdom London South Bank University Taro Arikawa Japan Chuo University Davide Wüthrich Netherlands - Jonas Cels United Kingdom - Andrew Foster United Kingdom - Ian Chandler United Kingdom HR Wallingford Marco Di Ludovico Italy University of Naples Maria Teresa De Risi Italy University of Naples Federico II Julian Thamboo Sri Lanka South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Keith Adams United Kingdom - Angelos Dimakopoulos Greece University Campus, Rio, Patra TG2.14 - Open-source code development by the fib
The fib has started developing an open-source Python package containing models from the fib Model Code. Github is used as a platform for version control and code collaboration. On the long-term, this package should contain all models in the fib Model Code. When sufficiently mature, the package should be published on to arrange for easy distribution. The package should be published with a license that grants the user flexible rights to use, study, edit and publish the source code, without warranty of any kind.
Primary objective of the TG: serve as a team of core developers or maintainers of the Python package. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Contribute code to the package.
- Respond to issues that are reported and initiate relevant actions.
- Maintain a CI/CD, continuous integration and continuous delivery, pipeline.
- Review contributions from the community, and merge these when properly matured.
The fib seeks contributions from the fib and the engineering community as a whole.
First name Last name Country Affiliation Morten Engen Norway Multiconsult AS David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib DIEGO ALEJANDRO TALLEDO Italy University IUAV of Venice Daniel González de la Morena Spain Fhecor Javier García Hernando Spain Fhecor Carlos Mestre Spain Fhecor Alejandro Pérez Caldentey Spain FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Arthur Slobbe Netherlands TNO Jemma Ehsman Australia Rio Tinto - Dampier Salt Gijs Eumelen Netherlands TNO TG2.15 - Bridges with combined reinforcement
Unbonded – external post-tensioning (PT) tendons are gaining interest world-wide within the concrete bridge community. The ability to address unforeseen issues has always been valued by bridge engineers and unbonded external PT tendons provide bridge designers and owners the flexibility to address these issues through their ability to be replaced while the bridge is in-service. Four countries, France, Germany, Japan, and United States are using this technology to provide tendon replaceability.
The use of unbonded tendons has led to components with both bonded and unbonded prestressing and/or mild reinforcement. Research has shown that the use of mixed reinforcement conditions (i.e. bonded and unbonded PT with and without mild reinforcement) in concrete members has structural implications (UF Report). Most current specifications consider their design approach as conservative for the design of components with mixed reinforcement conditions. However, research has shown that the performance and appropriate design of these members is complex and comprehensive guidance is needed to educate engineers on the design of these unique components. Therefore, there is a great need for clear design guidance to bridge designers on this unique and increasingly popular posttensioned component.
This guidance can have at least four purposes: i) provide background information on the performance of mixed reinforced elements with varying amounts of unbonded to bonded PT ratios, ii) synthesize current codified design methods for members with mixed reinforcement, iii) develop guidance on appropriate analysis methods, and iv) develop design approach for flexural capacity, including resistance factors & associated ductility requirements.
The primary objective of the task group (TG) is to serve as a team of core technical reviewers for the development of this technical report. Expertise in the design of complex concrete elements and experience with design methods for mixed reinforced members is desired.
First name Last name Country Affiliation John Corven United States Hardesty & Hannover Convener Oguzhan Bayrak United States Univ. of Texas at Austin David Fernández-Ordóñez Switzerland fib Christian Gläser Germany DYWIDAG-Systems International Adrian Gnägi Switzerland VSL International Ltd. Jan Vítek Czech Republic Metrostav a. s. Tommaso Ciccone Italy TENSA (Tensacciai s.r.l.) Reggie H. Holt United States Federal Highway Administration Will Potter United States Florida Department of Transportation Richard Brice United States Washington DOT Gregory Hunsicker United States OnPoint Engineering and Technology LLC Ivica Zivanovic France Freyssinet Jerry Pfutner United States COWI Dimitrios Paspastergiou Switzerland FEDRO David Garber United States FHWA Eisuke Nakamura Japan Public Works Research Institute