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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 8, no. 3, September 2007


Scope and Context

Following the need for model calibrations for current and future fib’s Model Codes, as well as other international standards, there is an international necessity to agree on representative test data and to provide it in Open Access as findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR). These data, independently validated and organized in the form of databases can be used in a transparent manner by multiple teams of researchers.

To date, numerous databases exist on different topics, such as shear, bond, shrinkage and creep. These existing databases are, however, mostly offline and static, and do not allow simple and simultaneous access, preventing their collaborative use. In addition, multiple instances exist on a single topic (with potentially different interpretations of the same test data).

Since February 2021, the fib is working on establishing a number of harmonized databases, with the following objectives:

  • To create a fib database with a common data structure, that can be used for different types of tests
  • To have easy (automated) import of data from existing databases
  • A common data structure allowing for data mining across task groups, generating potentially useful data for other purposes
  • To provide access to the sources of the data
  • To have commonly-agreed databases by the scientific community, useful for code calibration
  • To provide continuity and preserve the efforts of fib’s task groups and their members, merging efforts from a global community of researchers
  • To have the results publicly and freely available under Open Access and FAIR principles
  • To produce scientific publications
  • Data will be collected by stable groups and not by individuals, making data collections more transparent but also persistent

Databases are projects developed for a long period of time by many researchers. The work of some researchers is to include new test data in the database, while others check if the tests are relevant and have been properly developed. The databases are a project of the research community. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge all the participants for the work they have done in the long process of developing the databases. In the fib, we have done our best to recognise each person for the work done in each database. If any person or organisation thinks that further acknowledgements should be given to other persons, please contact the fib Secretariat or the editor of the relevant database so their request can be considered. 

  • Punching Shear Database

    The punching shear database gathers a wide collection of concentric punching tests of two-way reinforced concrete slabs at interior locations without shear reinforcement collected from tests reported in the literature. The “collected test result” database was jointly developed by fib Working Party 2.2.3 (effort led by RWTH and EPFL) and ACI Committee 445 (effort led by Carlos Ospina and other contributors) through a fruitful collaboration that started in 2013, cemented on test data gathering efforts undertaken earlier by both groups. The database was further enhanced by test data stemming from Rupert Walkner’s 2014 PhD thesis, and from previously unpublished work, and later reworked and verified extensively by fib WP 2.2.3 and ACI 445 contributors. The database includes more than 400 collected tests thoroughly documented with realistic dimensions and physical parameters.

    First public release: Feb. 2022

    Miguel Fernández RuizDatabase Editor
    Miguel Fernández Ruiz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
    Carlos E. OspinaDatabase Co-Editor
    Carlos E. Ospina (Principal, Vice President, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, USA)
  • FRC Residual Strength Database

    The database on residual flexural/tensile strength of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) gathers data from FRC characterization tests carried out across the world. The database encompasses different characterization tests (standardized and non-standardized), a wide range of FRC classifications (including softening and hardening flexural/tensile responses) and fiber types (material and geometries). The database aims to provide researchers with ample data for model calibrations and practitioners with practical information on the feasibility of FRC for structural purposes.

    First public release: Feb. 2022

    Albert de la FuenteDatabase Editor
    Albert de la Fuente (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
    Nikola TosicDatabase Co-Editor
    Nikola Tošić (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
  • Corroded Prestressing Database

    The database on the mechanical performance of corroded prestressing strands gathers data from experimental tensile tests carried out across the world. The database encompasses: (1) the corrosion type, natural or artificial, (2) the geometry and uncorroded mechanical properties, (3) the mechanical properties and the corrosion morphology and (4) the mechanical behaviour results from tests on corroded samples. In case of natural corrosion, additional information can be provided concerning the prestressed concrete members from which the samples are retrieved and environmental conditions. The database aims to provide researchers extensive data for model validation and calibrations concerning degraded prestressed concrete structures.

    First public release: Feb. 2024

    Beatrice BellettiDatabase Editor
    Beatrice Belletti (University of Parma, Italy)
    Simone RavasiniDatabase Co-Editor
    Simone Ravasini (University of Parma, Italy)


Authors & Ethics

Publication integrity is crucial to the fib. Our guidelines lay out the best practice principles we apply to the fib Bulletins. 

The fib bulletins series is a unique name and is of the sole property of the fib, the International Federation for Structural Concrete. This property is acknowledged in each bulletin and on the website. The series of bulletins is managed by the fib Secretariat, by each of the working groups that create each document and by the Technical Council, acting as Editorial Board of the series of bulletins. 

  • INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Author’s Resource page! This is where working groups conveners will find everything they need to prepare and submit an fib bulletin for publication. (If you wish to publish an article in the fib’s journal Structural Concrete, please visit Wiley’s page).

    Publication integrity is crucial to the fib. Our guidelines lay out the best practice principles we apply to the fib Bulletins. This document is based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Guidelines on good publication practice.

    The fib bulletins series is a unique name and is of the sole property of the fib, the International Federation for Structural Concrete. This property is acknowledged in each bulletin and on the website. The series of bulletins is managed by the fib Secretariat, by each of the working groups that create each document and by the Technical Council, acting as Editorial Board of the series of bulletins.

    PREPARATION Once the group has been created by the Technical Council, and the convener has been chosen, the goal of the work and the scope of one or more publications (bulletins) is established. The work is distributed by the convener among the participants. Each contributor is responsible for what they write and the photos/figures they include in their contribution. The work is regularly reviewed among the working group members. The work of the individual authors and the whole group is approved by consensus in the first phase by the Working Group.

    The convener should let the fib Secretary General know:
    • the subject and scope,
    • the approximate number of pages, and
    • the approximate publication dates.

    Certain elements should be kept in mind when preparing an fib bulletin. The Author’s Guidelines cover the following aspects thoroughly:
    • Formatting, layout and hierarchy
    • Consistency
    • Redundancy
    • Language
    • Inclusivity
    • Acknowledgement & Copyright

    Please peruse the Author’s Guidelines for more information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the fib Secretariat; we would be delighted to help.

    COPYRIGHT Each author signs and provides a copyright form (text) stipulating that their submission is their own original work, that they haven’t published it anywhere else beforehand, that they properly credit the author of any work they may have quoted from, and that they have full permission to publish their submission as an fib Bulletin.

    They also sign a copyright form (figs.) for pictures and figures stipulating that the images are their own or that they have obtained permission to use them as part of their contribution.

    PEER REVIEW & APPROVAL The fib upholds high standards for peer-review and approval. Once the work is close to completion, it is anonymously reviewed by two experts who do not belong to the working group in question. The Commission Chair chooses the peer-reviewers. The work then undergoes revisions. This process can take place several times. The document is returned to the group so that it can acknowledge the comments of the reviewers, and then it is ready for further approval by the relevant bodies.

    Once the bulletin has been reviewed, the convener can apply for approval for publication from the relevant authority (as shown in the table below):

    CategoryMinimum approval required prior to publication
    Technical reportApproval by a task group and the chairpersons of the commission
    State-of-the-art reportApproval by a commission
    Manual, textbook, guide (to good practice) or recommendationApproval by the fib Technical Council
    Model codeApproval by the fib General Assembly

    SUBMISSION Once the bulletin has received the appropriate approval, the working group Convener submits the submission form and the final files and forms to the fib Secretariat. Each author also signs and provides a copyright form (text) stipulating that their submission is their own original work, that they haven’t published it anywhere else beforehand, that they properly credit the author of any work they may have quoted from, and that they have full permission to publish their submission as an fib Bulletin. They also sign a copyright form (figs.) for pictures and figures.

    The convener of the document sends the fib secretariat the copyright forms, the final approved text, the peer review forms and the figure files in high resolution as individual files along with the submission form. The convener sends also the main authors and other contributors for the whole document and for each chapter.

    Files to be submitted to the fib Secretariat (checklist):
    • The whole bulletin in PDF format, with all the equations and figures 1
    • All the chapters of the bulletins in Word format 2
    • All the figures as individual files in high resolution 3
    • The copyright file (permission to publish signed by the copyright holder) for each figure that requires it 4
    • The permission to publish signed by every author 5
    • The peer-review forms recommending publications
    • The approval for publication given by the relevant authority 6

    FORMS & GUIDELINES Please find below all the relevant forms for fib bulletins publication:

    1 This allows the fib editors to make sure they keep the elements in the right order.
    2 This allows the fib editors to import the text directly in InDesign.
    3 Figures embedded in Word are automatically reduced.
    4 This would mean any figure whose copyright is not owned by one of the authors.
    5 This is the form that gives the fib the right to publish the work as fib bulletins.
    6 Please see the category and minimum approval table above.

  • INTRODUCTION Publication integrity is crucial to the fib, the International Federation for Structural Concrete. These guidelines lay out the best practice principles we apply to the fib Bulletins. This document is based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Guidelines on good publication practice 1.

    The fib bulletins series is a unique name and is of the sole property of the fib, the International Federation for Structural Concrete. This property is acknowledged in each bulletin and on the website. The series of bulletins is managed by the fib Secretariat, by each of the working groups that create each document and by the Technical Council, acting as Editorial Board of the series of bulletins.

    RESEARCH INTEGRITY Scientific integrity is defined as “the commitment of researchers to adhere to the fundamental rules of good scientific practice. Concern for the truth, open-mindedness, self-discipline, self-criticism and rectitude are essential characteristics of ethical behaviour. They represent the basis of all scientific activity and are prerequisites for the credibility and acceptance of science.” 2 The fib upholds the standards outlined in ALLEA’s European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (Revised Edition 2017):

    “Good research practices are based on fundamental principles of research integrity. They guide researchers in their work as well as in their engagement with the practical, ethical and intellectual challenges inherent in research. These principles are:
    • Reliability in ensuring the quality of research, reflected in the design, the methodology, the analysis and the use of resources.
    • Honesty in developing, undertaking, reviewing, reporting and communicating research in a transparent, fair, full and unbiased way.
    • Respect for colleagues, research participants, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage and the environment.
    • Accountability for the research from idea to publication, for its management and organisation, for training, supervision and mentoring, and for its wider impacts.” 3

    All these aspects are acknowledged on the fib website that deals with the bulletins.

    EDITORIAL PROCESS Bulletins are made by one of the working groups that are created by the Technical Council to develop a specific task.

    Once the group has been created by the Technical Council, and the convener has been chosen, the goal of the work and the scope of one or more publications (bulletins) is established. The work is distributed by the convener among the participants. Each contributor is responsible for what they write and the photos/figures they include in their contribution. It can be a consensus full document or a document that has main authors per chapter. The work is regularly reviewed among the working group members. The work of the individual authors and the whole group is approved by consensus in the first phase by the Working Group.

    Once the work is close to completion, it is anonymously reviewed by two experts who do not belong to the working group in question (please see section 4 below for more information). The work then undergoes revisions. This process can take place several times. The document is returned to the group so that it can acknowledge the comments of the reviewers, and then it is ready for further approval by the relevant bodies.

    The work is developed following the fib bulletins Authors Guidelines. When the work is ready to be published, it is submitted for approval within the fib. The approval required depends on the type of publications. If it is a Technical Report, the final text must be approved by the Working Group in question and the relevant Commission Chair. If it is a State-of-the-Art Report, the final text must be approved by the relevant Commission. If it is a Manual, a Guide (to good practice) or a Recommendation, the final text must be approved by the Technical Council of the fib. If it is a Model Code, the final text must be approved by the General Assembly of the fib.

    CategoryMinimum approval required prior to publication
    Technical reportApproval by a task group and the chairpersons of the commission
    State-of-the-art reportApproval by a commission
    Manual, textbook, guide (to good practice) or recommendationApproval by the fib Technical Council
    Model codeApproval by the fib General Assembly

    Once the bulletin has received the appropriate approval, the Convener working group submits the submission form and the final files and forms to the fib Secretariat. Each author also signs and provides a copyright form (text) stipulating that their submission is their own original work, that they haven’t published it anywhere else beforehand, that they properly credit the author of any work they may have quoted from, and that they have full permission to publish their submission as an fib Bulletin. They also sign a copyright form (figs.) and permission to publish for pictures and figures. The convener of the document sends the fib secretariat the copyright forms, the final approved text, the peer review forms and the figure files in high resolution as individual files along with the submission form. The convener sends also to the fib Secretariat the main authors and other contributors for the whole document and for each chapter if it is the case.

    The fib Secretariat checks that all the necessary documents have been submitted and that all the forms have been signed. Once the forms are in order, a native English-speaking engineer reviews the text. The fib Secretariat then proceeds with the layout. Once the layout is ready, the fib Secretariat sends it to the convener for final comments. The convener shares the file with the working group members to collect their comments as well. This step is repeated several times, until the convener and the group are fully satisfied with the final result. The fib Secretariat then sends the final approved files to the printer.

    The final documents are placed on the fib website, available for members and for the interested technicians in general. A backup of the full collection is made in several servers and also as hardcopy at the fib headquarters. The series of bulletins are produced at a rate of 4 to 6 per year. The collection started in 1998. The approval of the documents and the layout process influence the number of issues published each year.

    PEER REVIEW As outlined in the previous part, bulletins undergo different peer-review processes and approvals based on their types. Reviewers fill in the peer-review forms, giving their comments and recommending or discouraging publications based on their impressions. The peer-review form includes the following questions:
    1. Your familiarity with the subject of this manuscript (1- 5)?
    2. Your opinion of the manuscript (1-5)?
    3. Do you recommend publication (1-5)?
    4. Does the technical content fit within the scope of fib Bulletins (1-5)?
    5. Are the Conclusions substantiated by the text of the manuscript (1-5)?
    6. Does the manuscript present sufficient in-depth information (1-5)?
    7. Does the manuscript present new information or new treatment of existing knowledge (1-5)?
    8. Does the manuscript represent advancement in state of the art or state of practice (1-5)?
    9. Is the manuscript written in understandable and correct English (1-5)?
    10. Are you aware of one or more similar manuscripts by the author(s)? Yes/No

    The review form type is: Encl. 5 191125 fib Bulletins PaperPeerReviewForm_002.pdf. The review forms are sent to the convener that acknowledges the comments for the final document before approval by the relevant fib body. The Commission Chair must select at least two reviewers for each Bulletin or Bulletin Chapter submitted who are experts in the subject matter. The review can be made for the complete Bulletin or by chapters. The Commission Chair sends the reviewers the review forms, and a copy of the manuscript to be reviewed. When the convener receives a completed review form, evaluates whether the reviewer performed an adequate review (for instance, a lack of comments from the reviewer is a hint of a cursory review). If the review appears to be cursory, the convener may need to discard that review and select another reviewer.

    Once the convener has two adequate reviews for a Bulletin or a chapter, the convener determines whether it should be published in the bulletin. Under “Do you recommend publication?”, if both reviewers have entered 4 or 5, the chapter or the Bulletin should be published. If both reviewers have entered 1 or 2, the chapter or Bulletin should not be included. If either reviewer has entered 3, the chapter or Bulletin should only be published if the convener determines that the author has addressed all comments adequately. If one reviewer gives a rating of 1 or 2 and the other reviewer gives a rating of 3, 4, or 5 the Commission Chair must select a third reviewer as a tiebreaker or review the Bulletin himself and render a decision. (Note: the “justification for publication” information, the answers to other questions on the review form cover sheet, and the review comments themselves contribute to the overall picture of the Bulletin and should be used in determining the suitability of the Bulletin for publication).

    For Bulletins or chapters that the convener has accepted for publication, sends the reviewers’ comments to the author. These comments must be anonymous. Removes the first page of the review form with the reviewer’s name before forwarding any information to the author, by following the instructions below:
    1. “Save As... ” (Ctrl + Shift + S) with a new file name.
    2. Delete (Ctrl + Shift + D) the first page with the reviewer’s name.
    3. Open “Document Properties” (Ctrl + d).
    4. Under the “Description” tab, make sure the “Author” field reads “fib", then click on “OK.”
    5. Save (Ctrl + s).

    Authors are required to address each review comment and submit a final version of their revised manuscript to the convener, along with item-by-item responses to all review comments. The convener must confirm that the authors have responded adequately to the review comments.

    For editor-authored chapters, the fib’s review procedures require anonymous reviews to avoid making reviewers feel constrained from making critical review comments. The fib Secretariat will facilitate the anonymous peer review and return the review comments to the convener.

    Review forms for all chapters must be submitted to the Convener as part of the final Bulletin submission package to the fib Secretariat. The Technical Council acts as Editorial Board of the series of Bulletins (ISSN 1562-3610) as it is the technical governing body of the fib. The members of the Technical Council are by the Statures of the fib: Presidium members, Chairs of the Commissions, Heads of Delegation and guests. The names and affiliations of the members of the Technical Council are listed and regularly updated on the fib website.

    AUTHORSHIP As established by the COPE Guidelines on good publication practice, “[t]here is no universally agreed definition of authorship […]” 4 . COPE further declares that “[t]he award of authorship should balance intellectual contributions to the conception, design, analysis and writing of the study against the collection of data and other routine work. If there is no task that can reasonably be attributed to a particular individual, then that individual should not be credited with membership” 5.

    To be included as authors, working group participants must:
    • Have substantially contributed to the conception of the bulletin.
    • Take responsibility for the content of their contribution.
    • Have the full rights to publish their submission.

    The convener of each group takes the relevant decisions of including each contributor of the group as author of the whole document or of the relevant chapter. For the fib bulletins every author confirms that they are the sole author of their contribution and that they have the right to publish it when submitting their contribution. Peer-reviewers also keep this aspect in mind while reviewing

    The Copyright form type in question is Encl. 2 191127 fib bulletins Copyright text transfer consent form.docx.

    PUBLICATION ETHICS The fib takes publication ethics very seriously. The current guidelines for publication and ethics are available on the fib website.

    PLAGIARISM COPE defines plagiarism as follows: “[p]lagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use of others’ published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications to submission under “new” authorship of a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. It may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing, or publication: it applies to print and electronic versions” 6.

    The fib acts against plagiarism whenever is detected. The convener in the first place and the Technical Council are responsible for retracting any text that may have conflicts.
    DUPLICATE AND REDUNDANT PUBLICATION COPE indicates that “[r]edundant publication occurs when two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points, or conclusion” 7.

    The fib does not support redundant publication. When submitting their work, the authors are required to confirm that their work has not been published before.
    CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND FUNDING The fib is independent. It is funded and run by individuals, companies, and national members, none of which can override the peer-review process. The Technical Council is the ultimate body to decide any conflict in the creation of the bulletins.
    RETRACTIONS, CORRECTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS OF CONCERNS The fib allows retractions, corrections and expressions of concern. The convener in the first place and the Technical Council are responsible for dealing with any issue that may arise.

    Anyone concerned with what seems to be a mistake is requested to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the fib. The working group convener, the reviewers and the Technical Council will check the potential mistake. If it is indeed found to be a mistake, a correcting statement is released through the fib website or any relevant communication channel.


    1 Guidelines on good publication practice, COPE, 1999
    2 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
    3 The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, ALLEA, 2017, p. 4.
    4 Guidelines on good publication practice, COPE, 2018, p. 44.
    5 Ibidem.
    6 Idem, p. 45.
    7 Idem, p. 44.

Photo contest rules


Photo Contest Rules

Please read these rules before submitting your photo(s) for the fib contest. By participating in the contest, you understand, acknowledge and unconditionally agree to abide by the following rules:


  1. The featured structure (civil structure or a building) must be primarily made of concrete and should clearly showcase it.
  2. The photo can show the finished structure or as it is being built. The structure should be less than 5 years old.
  3. The photos must be submitted electronically.
  4. Photos submitted must be at least 213 mm wide and 185 mm high and 300 DPI. Photos must be in JPEG, PNG or TIF format. There must be no border(s), logo(s), copyright marks, identifying marks, or any other visible references and/or marks on the image.
  5. You are free to submit up to 10 photos.
  6. You are required to provide a description for each image submitted. This includes name of the structure (if it has one), location, and owner.
  7. Basic editing, including colour enhancement, the use of filters, and cropping of the photo(s) is acceptable, provided that it is imperceptible (for instance, do not over-saturate the colours, over-sharpen the image, use vignettes, change the natural colours, etc.).


  1. The fib will appoint judges from the Editorial Board.
  2. The judging panel shall assess and determine the winning photos. The results and the winners will be announced on the fib website.
  3. The decision of the fib’s judging panel will be final and binding on all participants in respect to all matters relating to the contest.


  1. Winners will choose between an fib Bulletin of their choice, a one-year Structural Concrete subscription or a one-year fib Ordinary membership within the fib.
  2. The photographer will be credited wherever the image is used.
  3. The winners will be required to give their postal address to receive the prize.



  1. Submitted photos must be original, created and/or taken by the contestant. It must not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a license, must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
  2. The fib respects photographers’ copyrights and copyrights shall remain vested with the creator of the image. Upon making the submission, you grant the fib worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, distribute, have distributed, print, in whole or in part, in any form, in all media forms now or hereafter known, to promote the fib, its journal or the structure, or for editorial or educative use.
  3. The photographer will be credited wherever the image is used.



  1. You hereby hold harmless, release, indemnify and discharge the fib and its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers and representatives from all liability, claims, judgments, demands, controversies, agreements, damages, actions and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related in any way to the contest or the conduct of the contest and the acceptance and use, misuse, or possession of any prize awarded, whether in law or in equity, no matter what the cause or nature, and you further waive any claims that you may state or assert against the fib in association with the contest or any of its associated activities or in any way related to or resulting from the contest even if such injury or claims results from or is caused by the negligence or gross negligence of the fib, in whole or in part, due to human error or otherwise. You further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the fib from any claim arising out of your participation in the contest including, without limitation, all claims brought or asserted by any third party as a result of any injury or loss that you or they may sustain in any way associated with your participation in the contest.
  2. Under no circumstance will the fib be liable for any:
      a. lost, late, misdirected, stolen, illegible or incomplete submissions
      b. error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, submitted photo(s);
      c. problems, failures or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, email, players or browsers, on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, at any website, or on account of any combination of the foregoing;
      d. incorrect or inaccurate information, caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the contest or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of the photos and/or the submissions; and/or
    e. injury or damage to any participant or to any computer related to, resulting from or in connection with the contest.
  3. If, for any reason, the contest cannot be conducted as anticipated, due to computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the fib, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest, the fib reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest as deemed appropriate, disqualify any participant, and/or select winners from all eligible Photos submitted prior to the termination, cancellation, modification or suspension. The fib reserves the right to correct any typographical, printing, computer programming or operating errors at any time.



The contest, your submission(s) and the rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss laws. Any aspects or disputes arising out of or in connection with the contest and/or your submission(s) will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Swiss courts.

Submit  photo(s)


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ARGENTINA AAHES, Asoc. Argentina del Hormigón Estructural Lima Luis Julian Luchtenberg Carlos F.  1
AUSTRALIA CIA - Concrete Institue of Australia Foster Stephen J. Cremasco George
Papworth Frank
AUSTRIA  Austrian Society for Construction Technology (ÖBV) / Pauser Bergmeister Konrad
Kollegger Johann
Pauser Michael
Lindlbauer Wolfgang
BELGIUM  Belgian Concrete Group (GBB-BBG) / Kastelis Caspeele Robby
Vyncke Johan Paul
Cap Vicent
Maas Stef
BRAZIL Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e consultoria Estrutural (ABECE) / Stucchi
Associação Brasileira da Construção Industria-lizada de Concreto (ABCIC) / Doniak
Ibracon. Inst. Brasileiro do Concreto / Timerman
Stucchi Fernando
Doniak Iria
Odinir Klein Junior
Timerman Julio
CANADA fib Group Canada
Université Laval / Dupuis CPCI / Burak
Bastien Josée
Kassian Wayne
Mitchell Denis
Gauvreau Paul
CHINA China Civil Engineering Society (CCES) / Li

Tao Xuekang
Feng Dabin

Lu Xilil
Xiao Kongzhen
CYPRUS Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers
Chrysostomou Christis
Stylianou Platonas 1
CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Concrete Society (CBS) / Stevula Kalny Milan
Vitek Jan
Kolisko Jiri
Hájek Petr
DENMARK Dansk Betonforening (DBF) Dahl Kaare
Edvardsen Karola
Braestrup Mikael
Hoang Linh Cao
FINLAND Concrete Association of Finland / Merikallio Valjus Juha 
Johansson Kin
Kihula Janne
Korander Olli
FRANCE Association Française de Génie Civil (AFGC) / Jacob Torrenti Jean-Michel
Boutillon Laurent
Moussard Michel
Rougeau Patrick
Crémona Christian
Gatuingt Fabrice
Guiraud Patrick
Schang Christian
GERMANY Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (DAfStb) / Wiens Curbach Manfred
Meyer Lars
Müller Harald
Knitl Josef
Dehn Franck
Lohaus Ludger
Wiens Udo
Hierlein Elisabeth
GREECE University of Patras
Technical Chamber of Greece /Kalantzopoulou
Triantafillou Thanasis
Tassios T. P
Bousias Stathis
Kanitakis Irene
HUNGARY Hungarian Group of fib Balázs
INDIA The Institution of Engineers (India)
The President of IE(I)
Banerjee Sisir Kuma
Singh Er. Narendra
Heggade V. N. 
Umesh K. Rajeshirke
Not nominated
Not nominated
Not nominated
Not nominated
INDONESIA fib Indonesia / Sangadji Han Ay Lie Ekaputri Januarti Jaya  1
IRAN University of Amirkabir Ramezanianpour Ali Akbar
Kabir Mohammad Zaman
Shahhosseini Vahid
Moodi Faramarz
ISRAEL Israeli Association of Construction and Infra- structure Engineers ( IACIE) Dancygier Avraham
Leviathan Itai 1
ITALY Ass. Ital. Cal, Armato e Precompresso AICAP CTE
Istituto per le techn. Della Costr. (CNR/ITC)
Consorzio Interuniversitario ReLUIS
Menegotto Marco
di Prisco Marco
Occhiuzzi Antonio
Prota Andrea
Cosenza Eduardo
Mancini Giuseppe
Plizzari Giovanni
Saetta Anna
JAPAN Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) / Kawai
Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute (JPCI) / Nishigaki
Kasuga Akio
Ueda Tamon
Nishiyama Minehiro
Shimomura Takumi
Inoue Susumu
Niitani Kyoji
Nakamura Hikaru
Shiohara Hitorshi
LEBANON The Lebanese Concrete Society (LCS) Awad Khaled
El Barrak Maher 1
LUXEMBOURG Administration des Ponts et Chaussées Fox Roand Not nominated 1
NETHERLANDS fib Nederland c/o Betonvereniging / Van den Burg Hordijk Dick
Walraven Joost
Jagroep Maikel
Blom Cornelis
De Boer Ane
Van der Horst Aad
NEW ZEALAND NZ Concrete Society (NZCS) / Bluett Palermo Alessandro Ingham Jason 1
NORWAY Norsk Betongforening (NB) / Bjerke Martius-Hammer Tor Arne
Svendsen Kjellstadli Leo
Isaksen Trygve
Fossa Kjell Tore
POLAND Polish Academy of Sciences Committee for Civil Engineering Derkowski Wit
Ajdukiewicz Andrzej
Piekarski Jan
Halicka Anna
PORTUGAL Grupo Portugês de Betaõ Estrutural (GPBE) Almeida João
Pipa Manuel
Faria Rui
Julio Eduardo
ROMANIA Techn. Univ. of Civil Engineering / Georgescu
Polytechnic University of Timisoara / Stoian
Transylvania University of Brasov / Tuns
Pascu Radu Ioan Georgescu Dam 1
RUSSIA Association for Structural Concrete Falikman Vyatcheslav R.
Kuzevanov Dmitry 1
SERBIA Association of Structural Engineers Marinkovic Snezana Not nominated 1
SLOVAKIA SNK fib Chandoga Milan Paulik Peter 1
SLOVENIA Slovenian Society of Structural Engineers Lopatic Joze Markelj Viktor 1
SOUTH AFRICA University of Cape Town (UCT) Beushausen Hans-Dieter
Boshoff Billy 1
SOUTH KOREA Korean Concrete Institute (KCI) / Sung-Gul Hong Hong Sung-gur Ann Ki Yong 1
SPAIN Association Cientifica-Tecnica del Hormigon Estructural (ACHE) / Bernardo Gutiérrez) Martinez Cutillas Antonio
Gomez Hermoso Jesus
Cladera Bohigas Antonio
Perez Caldentey Alejandro
Oller Ibars Eva
Mari Bernat Antonio
SWEDEN Svenska Betongföreningen (SB) / McCarthy Silfwerbrand Johan
Hallgren Mikael
Gylltoft Kent
Westerberg Bo
SWITZERLAND Délégation nationale suisse de la fib Muttoni Aurelio
Kaufmann Walter
Not nominated
Ganz Hans Rudolf
Not nominated
Not nominated
THAILAND Thailand Concrete Association (TCA) Sukontasukkul Piti
Chantawasinkul Somsak 1
TUNISIA Tunisia National fib Group
Université de Tunis El Manar / Liman
Daoud Atef Miled Karim 1
TURKEY Turkey National fib Group
Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
Ilki Alper
Karahan Hasan Ali 1
UKRAINE Research Inst. Building Constructions (NIISK) Farenyuk Gennadiy Kalyukh Yuri 1
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Society of Engineers / Dawoud Al Hajri Rayed Al Arashi
Yehia Sherif 1
UNITED KINGDOM UK National fib Group
Institution of Structural Engineers
Hendy Chris
Surendran Nadarajah
Truby Andrew
Goodchild Charles
Brooker Owen
Vollum Robert
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Precast/Prestressed Concr. Inst. (PCI) / Risser
Am. Segmental Bridge Inst. (ASBI) / Freeby
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) / Vejvoda
Sennour Larbi
Freeby Gregg A.
Vejvoda Miroslav
Not nominated
Pielstick Brett
Risser Bob
Krauser Larry
Not nominated

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