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Supporting members

The International Federation for Structural Concrete gratefully acknowledges the contributions of its supporting members in helping the association carry out its mission.








Cementos Molins, S.A.
Sant Vicenç dels Horts

Associate members

The International Federation for Structural Concrete gratefully acknowledges the contributions of its supporting members in helping the association carry out its mission.





SBE nv

Willy Naessens Concrete
Wortegem - Petegem



Czech Republic

Metrostav A.S.
Praha 8 - Liben



Cowi A/S

Kobenhavn S.

Technical University of Denmark - DTU, Department of Civil Engineering




Lesage Developpement
Mulhouse Cedex










Neutrino Tokyo Inc.
Cofu-shi, TOKYO

Korea, Republic of


Sia Dzelzsbetons MB




The Hague

Mobilis BV


HRC Europe


Sintef AS






Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)



Gnotul SA

WMM Ingenieure AG



United Kingdom

United States

Edanbrook Consultancy Services
10320 Little Patuxent Parkway Town Centre,


National Subscription

Statutory members are national member groups (NMGs) acting as forums for cooperation and coordination between various participants, such as governmental, scientific, technical, professional, and industrial bodies. Every NMG is represented in the General Assembly by its national delegation, formed by nominated Delegates and Deputies. Each NMG has as many Delegates and Deputies as votes. The Head of delegation is a statutory member of the technical council. Delegates and deputies are considered to be individual members of the fib, which entitles them to the benefits listed below.

NMGs can have voting rights from 1 to 5 votes. Subscription rates vary and the level chosen will determine – based on the number of votes each rate category allocates - the influence an NMG has in the General Assembly. However, all NMGs have equal status in the Technical Council since each country has one vote, irrespective of the number of delegates it has in the General Assembly.

  • Statutory
    Statutory members receive the following benefits:
    • becoming part of an international community represented worldwide, which comprise a high number of renowned experts,
    • becoming part of international pre-codification in general,
    • NMGs can contribute to the fib Model Codes (published approximately every 10 years)
    • possibility to propose members to the fib Task Groups and Commissions,
    • voting rights in the General Assembly and in the Technical Council,
    • possibility to host a fib Congress, fib Symposium and fib PhD Symposium,
    • NMG’s logo in a prominent part of the website and the directory, as well as a link on the fib website,
    • NMG’s events co-sponsored by the fib,
    • possibility to nominate candidates for the fib awards,
    • publicity for NMG’s events through the fib’s communications channels,
    • one copy of every publication (published during the year of subscription) per Delegate and Deputy,
    • PDFs for all bulletins published one year prior to the year of subscription for exclusive distribution to their members,
    • copyright for the fib publications to be translated and disseminated in their countries,
    • Delegates and Deputies representing NMGs have the fib member status, they receive the following benefits (all documents are sent to the NMG):
      • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
      • hard copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership, which are extremely valuable information developed by fib,
      • 50% discount on additional fib bulletins,
      • complimentary documents,
      • the membership directory,
      • up to five free publications from the CEB and FIP bulletins,
      • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
      • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
      • Access to the fib website intranet, which includes dedicated documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in commissions and working parties.

    Become member

Corporate Subscription

Corporate members may be associate members, supporting or sponsoring members. They can be companies, contractors, consulting or design offices, libraries and national, international, industrial, research or technical organisations.

  • Associate
    Associate members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 870.00 / year
    • an entry in the directory as associate member, thus increasing visibility,
    • upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership,
    • nomination of up to two persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
    • IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
      • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
      • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
      • 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
      • one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
      • online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
      • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
      • up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
      • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
      • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
      • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
      • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
      • access to exclusive videos,
      • up-to-date news about the fib work.
  • Supporting
    Supporting members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 1 350.00 / year
    • an entry in the directory and in the web page as supporting member, thus increasing visibility,
    • upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership (all documents are sent to the company),
    • nomination of up to three persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
    • IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
      • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
      • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
      • 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
      • one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
      • online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
      • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
      • up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
      • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
      • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
      • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
      • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
      • access to exclusive videos,
      • up-to-date news about the fib work.
  • Sponsoring
    Sponsoring members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 2 700.00 / year
    • an entry in the directory and in a prominent place on the webpage as sponsoring member, with their logo and a link to their page, thus obtaining significant visibility,
    • use of the fib logo on their webpage as Sponsoring member of fib,
    • a representative to the General Assembly,
    • nomination of a member to a designated Commission or Task Group,
    • upon request, up to two copies of all bulletins published during the year of membership (all documents are sent to the company),
    • nomination of up to five persons as their individual representatives (IR) in the fib.
    • IR receive similar benefits as subscribing members through the company subscription (all documents are sent to the company):
      • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
      • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
      • 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin,
      • one paper copy of the membership directory (published every two years),and online viewer access to browse and download,
      • online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
      • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
      • up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
      • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, the membership directory and free documents,
      • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
      • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
      • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
      • access to exclusive videos,
      • up-to-date news about the fib work.

Individual Subscription

The fib offers its members excellent networking opportunities and access to high quality, peer-reviewed publications. Individual members may be student members, young engineer members, ordinary members, e-subscribing members, or subscribing members. The level of subscription determines the number of publications and benefits members receive. 

Model Code users users will have access to the Model Code and supporting documents online.

  • Student
    Student (under 30) members receive the following benefits:
    • a 50% discount on the purchase of one fib Bulletin, or the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
    • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
    • an electronic copy of the fib Directory (published every two years) and online viewer access to browse and download,
    • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
    • one free publication from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
    • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, and free documents,
    • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
    • possibility to participate in task groups and working parties,
    • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the network,
    • access to exclusive videos,
    • up-to-date news about the fib work.

    Become member

  • Young engineer
    Young Engineer (under 36) members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 80.00 / year
    • a 50% discount on the purchase of one fib Bulletin, or the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
    • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
    • an electronic copy of the fib Directory (published every two years) and online viewer access to browse and download,
    • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
    • one free publication from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
    • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, and free documents,
    • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
    • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
    • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
    • access to exclusive videos,
    • up-to-date news about the fib work.

    Become member

  • Ordinary
    Ordinary members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 160.00 / year
    • online access to Structural Concrete,
    • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
    • an electronic copy of the fib Directory (published every two years) and online viewer access to browse and download,
    • 50% discount on the purchase of one fib Bulletin, or the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports
    • one free publication from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
    • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, and free documents,
    • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
    • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
    • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
    • access to exclusive videos,
    • up-to-date news about the fib work.

    Become member

  • e-Subscribing
    e-Subscribing members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 465.00 / year
    • online access to the fib journalStructural Concrete,
    • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
    • an electronic copy of all the fib Bulletins published during the year of membership (which are extremely valuable information developed by fib),
    • an electronic copy of the fib Directory (published every two years) and online viewer access to browse and download,
    • 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin, or the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
    • online viewer access to the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
    • up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
    • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings and free documents,
    • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
    • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
    • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
    • access to exclusive videos,
    • up-to-date news about the fib work.

    Become member

  • Subscribing
    Subscribing members receive the following benefits:
    CHF 465.00 / year
    • online access to the fib journal Structural Concrete,
    • online viewer access to browse and download the fib journal Structural Concrete as one PDF file,
    • one paper copy of all the fib Bulletins published during the year of membership (which are extremely valuable information developed by the fib),
    • 50% discount on the purchase of any other fib bulletin, or the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • an electronic copy of the fib Directory (published every two years) and online viewer access to browse and download,
    • online viewer access to the fib Bulletins,
    • online viewer access to the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2020,
    • online viewer access to the CEB Bulletins and FIP reports,
    • up to five free publications from the CEB Bulletins or FIP reports,
    • online viewer access to browse and download fib proceedings, and free documents,
    • reduced registration fees when attending fib congresses or symposia,
    • possibility to become Commission member and Task Group/Working Party Convener,
    • access to the fib intranet Network, which includes shared documents and a platform to communicate with other fib members and persons active in working groups. Possibility to have working groups webmeetings within the fib Network,
    • access to exclusive videos,
    • up-to-date news about the fib work.

    Become member

fib postal address

Ch. du Barrage, Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne


p : +41 21 693 27 47
f : +41 21 693 62 45
e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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